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Okayy, so how many of you really like the ongoing plot?
Tbh, I don't.

They are literally dragging one topic for ages 🤦🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️

It's high time they show a different scene, mayb Sairat scenes? Definitely not Pakhi's drama. I'm basically tired of her drama, for everything single thing she has to open her mouth and say something, and that's a really bad habit. And we can't expect her to change it cause she won't 💁🏻‍♀️

I feel kaku and the gang don't say anything to Sai unless Pakhi opens her mouth, the moment she starts spilling crap, kaku and the gang attack. I wish there is a episode in which Pakhi gets insulted 😂

I really wanna know how she will look. Her face would be worth watching 😂

I feel bad for Samrat, Pakhi just wants to stay with Samrat so that she can stay close to Virat,
Urgg, how can a person stoop so low 💁🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

I really want things to go back to normal, where Ashwini takes Sai's side and supports her, Ninad treats Sai like his own daughter and..... Virat starts Loving Sai back to normal 😄

Imagine Virat getting Jealous 😂
That's going to be so Nice!

This is purely my thought, sorry if someone didn't like it


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