It all starts here... right?

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"Xiao... let's break up. I have to focus.."

"Its been a year huh.. maybe it's time for a change."

Xiao, a growing young man with passion for music. Today, he enters his final year of high school. He was never good with interactions thus making it hard for him to make friends with a few exceptions, his roommates

"Morning Xiao. Uguah... you're a mess, how much sleep did you get last night?"

"Too early for your positivity Venti." He replies

Roommate #1: Venti. Age 17 with the same passion for music like Xiao.

"So where's the two?" Xiao asks while prepping his breakfast on the table

"Oh Kazuha and Aether? Yeah they went early today. Apparently, Aether has to 'sign autographs' for his fangirls and Kazuha's there as his dumb buddy."

"Typical ladies men." He replies, disgusted

"Oh come on now~ Cheer up. You'll get over her."

"I've heard that way too many times already idiot."

The two rushed their breakfast and went and get prepared for their commute to school. Xiao calls out to his friend to hurry as they need to arrive early. A minute later, they were finally out and started walking

"So, meeting with Barbara again?" Xiao asks

"Hmm yeaaa planning on shooting my shot with her, what do you think? Got any tips?"

"Like hell I do dumbass. Im a hopeless romantic so I'm the last person you want tips from."

"Ahaha. I figured. We really need to fix you up."

The two arrived at the front of the school and people were already staring, nudging shoulders and whispering. Venti just laughed everything off but Xiao was somewhat disappointed

"Sorry I have to put you through this." Xiao apologies to his green buddy

"It's all good. This helps me to lay low as well. Let's head to the rooftop I wanna have a serious talk with you.." Venti responded

The two walked up to the roof and fortunately, the door was unlocked. A breeze of wind met as soon as the door creaked. Xiao sat down by the edge of the roof with only barb wires preventing him from falling off a 3 story building

"So what is it you want?" Xiao starts the conversation

"Don't play dumb with me. Show me your arm..."

Xiao rolled up his right sleeve and revealed an enormous amount of cuts, some healed and some fresh

"This wont help you Xiao, it's hard to get over Ganyu-San after everything you did for her. I understand that but killing your body wont help you recover from it, it's not gonna make her love you again."

"Cmon Venti, it's fine... I'm not doing it for her. I just felt like it."

"Don't lie to me, I've known you since we were kids. Sometimes a talk with your good buddy old friend would help. Im always open for you."

"Yea. It's time for a change. I'll rely on you when I need help, brother."

"There ya go. I haven't seen you smile in a while. Not a lot of people see that right? I'm sure there'll be someone for you soon... I'm sure of it."

The door to the rooftop opened once again and 2 figures entered and waved their hands to them

"Im surprised you found us. Done signing autographs?" Venti asks

Guess the butterflies weren't lyingWhere stories live. Discover now