Set Yourself Free

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Saturday 1985


Yes! I finally get to see Draco again and we're going fishing. "Cece, c'mon we're leaving." Dad yelled. I put on my sneakers and ran down the stair and into the car. "Are you excited?" Dad asked. "Of course I'm excited. We're going fishing and with Draco's family." I answered. I was really excited to meet them there. When we arrived, the Malfoys were already there. We got out of the car and went to talk . I'd eventually gotten bored and left to go sit with Draco.


Celestia came and sat by me. We just sat there. We were silent, it was a comfortable silence, but I decided to talk anyway.

"Do you believe in magic?"

"In magic?"


"I think so ,yeah "


"In all the books I've read, some of it seems so detailed and real, like it could actually happen. Do you?"

"Of course. I believe magic is all around us. Well maybe not in the muggle world."

"What's the muggle world?"

"Oh,erm... nothing"

She tried asking more but I didn't answer. She doesn't know about the wizarding world so I should probably stop talking about before I say something I'll regret.

Third Person

Both the Malfoys and Tomlinsons were going to start fishing but the Malfoys didn't know how. Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson showed Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy how to while the kids had just sat there dangling there feet in the water. Celestia's parents said they were too young and they'd have to wait until they were 13. That was 8 more years to go.



"Do you mind I call you Celly"

She thought about that for a moment. No one had ever really called her that. It was normally Cece. It sounded very different but she didn't mind it, coming from Draco. He was different from her other friends. She switched topics quite often even if they're in the middle of one but he wouldn't mind, he would just go with it. "Celestia" he said, bring her back to reality. She paused then said, "I don't mind." It was though that only he could call her that and that was it.

They'd spent a long time by the lake, surrounded by woods. Both Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy caught fish and they were going to eat it, if that nasty little bird hadn't swooped and taken it. It was no problem though because Mrs. Tomlinson had brought food for them to eat. At the end of the day, they all had said goodbye and were heading home.

"Did you enjoy your time here Draco." Mrs. Malfoy asked. He smiled brightly up at his mother "I love it here." His mother smiled back at him as they got ready to leave. "Now now Draco , they're still muggles. These ones are just a bit different from the rest." Mr. Malfoy said as he tried to hide his smile. He truly did enjoy they're company and they're time at the lake but he had to remember that they were still muggles and muggles were, well muggles.

Mr. Malfoy straightened his robes and moved closer to his family. He held Narcissa's hand as she carried Draco and they apparated back to the Malfoy Manor.


I had the time of my life back by the lake. It was different this time because I had someone to talk to and play with. It's not that didn't like playing with my parents it was just that now I had a new friend that was my age. I hope they come again, maybe this time to our house.

Third Person

This had probably been the first time Draco could just be himself. He didn't have to act proper or any of that, he could just be him. Draco could act like a kid again. He knew this was different because he was around muggles but his parents didn't seem to mind so neither did he.

For Celestia, this was her first time making friends with a boy. Back at school, the boys thought they were soo much cooler than the girls. Not many girls had been friends with them so this was kind of new for her. When talking to Draco she felt like she had to be kind of different. At first she started answering differently , like short answer that she'd have to think about to know whether or not she'd sound cool enough. Sooner or later she'd get tired and she knew that.

She did get tired and decided she was gonna answer like she normally would. She was just gonna be herself and nothing would change that. When she did answer, he didn't mind. He was much different from the guys in school. A better different she thought.

I think I might start using Narcissa and Lucius and Johanna and Mark for third person cuz Mr. and Mrs. whatever is to much work ;)

Every new friendship is a new adventure...the start of more memories-Patrick Lindsey

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