Pigpen Breaks a leg

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After lunch it was time for Reading, We were reading a book called 'Wonder'. At 12:50 PM It was time for science. Then at 1:30 it was time for recess. I said "I'm excited!". "Me too!" Said Pigpen. Then I said "Want to do the trick I do on the monkey bars?". "Yes!" said Pigpen. Then I Teach him how to get up there. When Pigpen tried to get up there I Helped him. But then, The Unthinkable happened. Pigpen said "Okay I think I can get down on my own" I said "Okay!". Then Pigpen jumped from the monkey bars bravely, But Pigpen broke one of his legs. Then Pigpen Started Screaming and Crying.  I said "OH MY, MY BABY!" "Are you okay?" I said, "NO, WAHHHHHH!" Said Pigpen. "SHHH, It's okay my baby boy!" I Hugged him and rocked him. "Whats all That CRYING?" said Squidward. After recess I rushed him to the Hospital but Leo Chockers, Kyle Broflovski, Sebee, And Ronald Mcdonald were on there bikes. Sebee said "Whats wrong with him?", "Yeah Whats with the crying?" Said Leo Chockers. I said "MY Baby fell on the monkey bars!" "Oh poor for him!" Said Kyle Broflovski. "Oh, My friends, lets rush him to the hospital!" Said Ronald Mcdonald. "We will take care of him!" Said Leo Chockers. "Okay!" I said. Then they rushed to the hospital. The doctor said "Whats your name?" Pigpen said "I'm Pigpen, WAHHHHHHHH!". then the doctor checked Pigpen's X-Ray. The Doctor said "OH dear, it looks Like you have a broken bone!". "Oh dear!" said Sebee. Then The four boys said Pigpen has a broken bone! I said "OH MY, MY BABY BOY HAS A BROKEN BONE!".

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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