The Girl from The Kingdom on Fire

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Hi! My friend and I are writing this story and posting it for the first time, so this is going to be cringy! Please no hate or anything like that, constructive criticism is always appreciated though. Enjoy the story!

P.S.: The photo does not belong to us; all rights are to the original owner.


Atlanta's POV:

My kingdom was on fire, I would do anything to save it. From going through the depths of hell, or even being a spy in the most dangerous court. 

My eyes were set in determination, as I stared at the castle in front of me. 'Doing this would be the salvation of your kingdom,' I thought desperately for the thousandth time. 'But it would also be the death of you.' A tiny voice in my head whispered the part which I so wished would shut up.

The murky gray pony that I was riding upon clobbered to a stop, and it took everything in me to not make my steed turn and gallop the other way. From the corner of my eyes, I see them. Guards, knights looking so high and mighty on their stallions, heads held high. A burst of anger shot through every bone in my body; they took everything from me. My town, my home. Mother, Father, and even Selena, my 5-year-old sister. We were just simple farmers, not even a part of the army. They came at night when I was away and burnt my town as they did so many others. Cowards.

"I'll avenge them.' I thought anguished, the screams of my family still fresh on my mind. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down as I remembered the reason I was even here:

"Atlanta Ice." A voice cut through the night, sharp as a sword. My eyes shot open in fear, as I backed myself into the corner of the dark alley, where I was hiding. It had only been three days since my family had died before my eyes, and I was now frail and pale as a ghost. I haven't eaten in days. "Relax, we are not going to hurt you," the voice added, male, I guessed.

"What do you want?" I whispered, my voice dry and scratchy from days of not speaking a word. I gathered my courage and slowly raised my head to look at the person in front of me. I held back a gasp of surprise as I saw him, even in this dim light I could tell that he was wealthy. From the way, he held himself, to the light shimmer of armor. It was a knight. They were supposed to be the so-called saviors of our kingdom. But they only saved the rich, the ones who could give them fame, while the poor suffered, unnoticed by the aristocrats.

Lost in my thoughts I didn't notice a hand reaching out to me until the man cleared his throat. I stared at the hand for a few seconds and with spite racing through me, I ignored his hand and got up myself. I nearly slapped myself for doing something so stupid, if this man was powerful enough, he could have me executed for such a crime.

To my surprise, the man chuckled, "We want to talk, Ms. Ice, that is all." 


Thank you, for reading this. We know that this chapter short, but they will get longer. We update pretty inconsistently so yeah. Enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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