
I watch the passing hills of the country roads and notice exactly where the road was taking me. I look at the sleeping face in my back seat and realize of how much of his life should be here and was here. No one actually ever knew that I was pregnant.

My life had changed since then and the only person I can think of is James, the way he had asked me not to leave and I had left not telling him I was pregnant. But knowing now he was probably over me, not caring what happened to me and with another girl. But one thing he didn't know was that he was the one for me and nothing could change that.


"Madi," I look at the beauty in front of me, "you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met." I caress her cheek, kissing her gently on the lips.

"I hope you never forget me," she whispers tears brimming her eyes.

I really couldn't tell her what was really on my mind. The only thing I could mumble out is, "How could I?"

But it was true. How could I ever forget all the time I've spent with her? How could I just drop my feelings and amazing memories? Just like that?

"I love you." It was something I was dreading hearing from her. I could say it and not mean it or not say it and sound like a complete douche...

***Next Day***

"Bro," Hayes gives me the 'tell me EVERYTHING that happened' look.

"Nothing I couldn't do it. I mean she told me she loved me and I.. I just couldn't say it back." I disappoint him. He thought I'd say it, get in bed, and have my way with her. Nope. Couldn't do it.

"Are you kidding? She laid it on a platter for you. Right there in front of you." He hits me on the back of my head.

Moments of silence were exchanged between us and I could practically see the light bulb above his head. "This is about Ali isn't it?" My eyes went wide and nothing came out of my mouth. "Man, I knew you were always in love with her. Even though I wasn't your friend I could see it across the hall. The way you looked at her, laughed at her, not so funny, jokes. You're still in love with her." He laughed at the sight of my humiliation. "You can't have two ice creams at once." He gave his "wise" words of the day.

"You're a complete idiot." I walk into the classroom I'm suppose to be in, leaving him in the hallway.


Welcome To
Sacramento, California

I read the welcome board as I entered my home town.


"Damn," I curse, "everyone is in school right now."

Sawyer was fast asleep in the backseat of my car. I look in the mirror and see his chubby self and remember everything. Sawyer's dad, the night, everything. That night my life changed. For the worse and best.


"Really? He didn't say it back?" My friend Chloe freaked out.

"Nope, I put myself out there and he didn't help." My heart tore to pieces but no one would ever know that part.

"What the hell? That's pathetic!" Tori raved. "Why would he do that?" She questioned.

"One word, or should I same name. Alison." I narrowed my eyes.

I had always been jealous of her, even though we were best friends. She was in love with James, and James was in love with her. What better could you ask for? Well, for me the best was her moving away mysteriously. I got Jake, as so I thought, and the better life. But all of the sudden all of that changed. He couldn't keep his mind off of her. It was the one year anniversary of when she disappeared. All three of us were inseparable and we had the relationships everyone wanted.

"That bitch? It seems even though she is gone, she's still here." Jessica growls.

Ever since she's left we've expanded our friends. Jake has Hayes and I have Jessica, Tori, and Chloe. Perfect for all of us. Hayes was dating Tori, I was dating James, Jessica was dating some frat guy in college, and then there's Chloe, single.

"Seems legit. I feel something's up and I really need to get to the bottom of it." I speculate.


"Dude, Madi is going to catch on and know about you and Ali. She's going to find out." He insist.

Only Hayes knew this but about two months before Ali left we had decided that we wanted to be each other first time. It frightened me more than excited me because I didn't know if I was even any good at kissing. But that night was wonderful.

"I know, I know." I plead, "but some way or another I feel I need to keep this from her. I feel some explosion will come of this and it'll be bad." I continue to try and make him stop talking about the whole thing.


It was finally 3:00 and I was sitting in the parking lot of my old school. I had kept James's number and I had texted him.

"James, please meet me outside the school. I'm in a black jeep and I'm waiting to the left of the front doors. -Ali"
Hopefully he had gotten the text. All I had to do was hope.


"Hayes," I tried whispering the lowest I could.

"Mister Hazer," I cringe at the way she said my name. "Would you like to share something with the class?" Mrs. Quinn asked me.

"No ma'am."

*bing* *bing*
The bell finally rings.

"Hayes, look at this text." I had him my phone and he reads it out loud.

"James, please meet me outside the school. I'm in a black jeep and I'm waiting to the left of the front doors. -Ali"

"You think it's Ali?" I question him.

"There's only one way to find out." And of course he was right.

I walk to my locker and open it.

"Mhm," I look over and Madi is standing next to me.

"Hey," I simply say.

"Am I giving you a ride home? If so could you please hurry up?" She rolls her eyes.

"No Madi, you aren't. I've got somewhere to be." I smartly remark. Her bitchy attitude was becoming a habit lately and I didn't like it. "I'll talk to you later." I slam my locker and walk off, leaving her standing by it.

I walk out of school and look to my left and to my surprise I see the black jeep. I thought it was a sick prank someone would pull since it has been a year since she left. But only I knew she left and that's staying between her and me.

I walk over to the car and I hear it unlock. I keep praying it isn't a prank and open the car door.

She looks the exact same, but more beautiful than ever.

A/N- hiiiii sorry I haven't been posting! If you're even still reading the book. But thanks if you are and hope you enjoyed.

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