• XII - Loquacious •

21 0 0

full of excessive talk : WORDY

"Was dinner satisfying?" He asked as he entered the room you were in, after dinner, you excused yourself to walk around, you went ahead before him and saw this huge room with a balcony, showing the great view of the city

"I should've told them to cook my steak until it's well done" You joked, Jungkook chuckled and stood beside you

"Wine?" Jungkook asked and you nodded, he prepared glasses for the both of you while you stay looking out of the balcony

You're surprised that Jimin wasn't even looking for you, or maybe he is, it's just that you're untouchable now

"I have question a for you" Jungkook said and handed you your glass

You drank from the wine he gave, it was the most delicious wine you have ever tasted, your eyes widened and Jungkook looked at you

"I'll let you take home one bottle, try and drink little by little though, it's expensive" He spoke and you chuckled

"ask away kook" you said, his eyebrow raises at the sudden nickname but he placed the thought aside

"What got you in this mafia business?" Jungkook asked, it was a rather personal question but you guessed it was fine to tell

"My ex"

"Park Jimin?" Jungkook spoke

You instantly looked at him, he looked back at you and snickered

"He was dumb for getting involved with Cassandra though" Jungkook laughed

"Did you stalk me Mr. Cassano?!" You said and hit his arm, he chuckled and nodded

"How did it go with him after you knew?" Jungkook asked

"I dumped him."


There was a comfortable silent between the two of you, Jungkook is someone who makes you confused, you want to draw a line and respect the boss and member relationship with him but having a one on one dinner with your mafia boss? having a drink in his house, talking about your ex? talking about his anonymous brother? what more?

"Let's be friends" Jungkook spoke out of nowhere, your head backed away and he looked at your face laughing at your reaction

Jungkook had the urge to do this because of his mission to get close to you, but if you do become good friends, it's a damn bonus, he could see how great it will be if you're his friend, you fit in his par, and he fits in yours

"I know you have different intentions Jungkook, just freaking ask away" You spoke, it was true, you were aware of him running backgrounds about you, it's just that the thing about your ex brought up made you surprised

Jungkook's eyes looked at you and looked away, he drank his wine in one big gulp before looking back at you, he underestimated you, ofcourse you would know

"tell me about yourself, I-I guess" Jungkook was taken aback, you looked away from him and placed your glass on the small table beside you

"I'll take my leave now Jungkook, let's talk some time" You walked away and was stopped when he talked

"We'll fly to Italy tomorrow, prepare your luggage" Jungkook said and you just waved your hand and left

This was it, this was his true intention, but why does he want to know about you though? It makes you confused and at the same time scared, what does he want? what did urge him to be curious to someone like you?

You arrived at Taehyung's and he was sleeping at the couch, probably because he waited for you

"Tae" You shook him lightly, he woke up and stared at you with his drowsy eyes, you chuckled and smiled at him

"Did Jungkook made you do extra work today? he's an asshole"

"He didn't tae, come on let's rest" you spoke and helped him stand up before leading him to his bedroom, he plopped on the bed and smiled at you

"What would you do without me?" You said leaning on his door frame

"Wait for you to come in my life I guess" Taehyung chuckled, you smacked his thigh and went out of his room, you entered your room just next door and sat down on the mini office on the right side of your huge room, you looked at the clock and it was already 12 midnight, Jungkook once again went through your mind and it reminded you that you need to prepare for your trip to italy tomorrow, and so you did

you were fixing your things when you stumbled upon the bible that your only known guardian gave you

Mr. Adriano

A piece of paper fell down from the book and it was a picture of you when you were still young, you were with Mr. Adriano, he's the only one who knows who you are because neither you, you won't be able to tell anyone anything about yourself, you were a nobody, an orphan, adopted by many families and these families keeps on being jailed worse murdered

That's why after all of this, you left the orphanage after hitting 18, and a year after that, you met Jimin.


"You're late." Jungkook glared at you

"We're using your private jet Jungkook, it's okay to be late until midnight" You rolled your eyes and he just ignored you, you both entered the jet and Jaehyun and someone familiar was there

You recognized the taller lad, he's the consigliere of the Cassano family, someone highly respected, the brains of the Cassanos

"It's nice to finally meet you, Kim Namjoon" He introduced, taking your hand and kissing it

"Gae Y/N"

"Oh I know" He smiled showing you his dimples

You turned to look at Jungook and he motioned you to sit infront of him, the journey went on and you finally landed in Italy, you were escorted to a car with Jungkook and he ordered a suite for the both of you, after entering your shared room, you spoke up

"Uh I want my own room"

"There are 4 rooms in this suite room, I only need one, you can use the other three" Jungkook panned


"No buts, you should unpack, we'll stay here for a month or two" He said

"You told me it will only be a week!" You glared

He was being grumpy today, and yet you could see he was holding on in his patience for you, he reached for his wallet and gave his black card to you

"Buy everything you want, come back here by 6pm"

"Come with me" You spoke pushing his buttons, he looked at you before sighing

"Let me change first."

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