As the three little Piglets That Are Supposed to be Teenagers Ran in fear, running for their Lives i just Went Back Inside The house where all Of the memories i had as a Child are kept, Abandoned, Gone, Forgotten, like It had been ditched, i found a Bottle Of gasoline I Brought With me And I Spilled the Liquid all over the Place, Lighting the house once again, I love how the burning sensation Felt, To stupid Little mortals they would Panic And Feel Pain, trying to Unseal their Unintentional Faith, But things Like me... We loved it, in fact we thrived on The feeling of being burnt alive, if i can Consider myself alive of course, i was Already Announced 'dead', A dead Mortal That Killed his Own Entire Family Due to favoritism, They Treated me like a slave, Like i don't deserve Anything, but they were wrong, I remember when i was only 8 years old, My mother told me this story about my older sister's father Leaving her Because She was pregnant with my older sister, Till she met that Creature that Dared Calling itself my father, she said it was "true Love" but All of us know, True Love NEVER existed, It's only in fairy tales, Because nobody and i mean NOBODY has ever had their Happy ending in those pitiful relationships, if her true love did exist For that Creature, Why did She cheat On him with a Mysterious man in the first place? Heh... And yet she says It was true Love... How Fucking Pathetic, True Love doesn't Exist, It never did, and it would never Will, True Love is a Thing Made for little Kids To think that when they are adults or teens they are hot shit, but they should face the real World, at some point in time they wouldn't get their happy ending, they would probably have shitty marriages That will end up Making them cheat on their Partner or get a divorce.... It's stupid, all of the smiling Pictures that i assume to be Happy Family Memories, But behind the camera and the smiles... My mom is a cheating bitch, my dad is a Lazy Brat that Can't Do anything for himself, he can't even get himself a Glass of Fucking water, My older sister Is a goddamn snooping bitch who doesn't even know wtf privacy is, My twin... I hate her so fucking much... I just want to Claw Her eyes and punch her again and again, I don't Even Care If i had no respect for her at all since she's a girl and I'm a Fucking Guy, but i don't know what the words "mercy" is, i don't have any sympathy for anybody, and i would Make sure i would End those stupid Teenager's, and other Family Relatives That Still misses these assholes That treated me like Shit all my life
HorrorJay Cereno is a Child From the Philippines, His Family Favorites His Sister more than Him Because She was half stroke at the age of 8, when his Sister did something To hurt him They would say she didn't mean it, but when he does the same, He will ge...