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Izuku also know as 'Deku' was divorced from Katsuki Bakugou. (Flashbacks will be concluded in a seprate novel/story). Deku and Katsuki had a big fight leading to a mental breakdown and that leading onwards to the court then the divorce papers then the kids choosing who they want to live with. It was hard for them to choose between there papa and dad. This was muxh harder for Izusuki to choose as she was only 5. But at the end Izusuki went to her dad and Insuki went his papa. It was a hard time for all of them, as the house was Katsuki's he kicked his own son and ex-husband out, it was brutal, he took his sons and his ex-husband wrist and pulled them out of the house and few minuets later there stuff was also thrown out the window. Izuku and his son cried and cried while travelling in random streets walking and walking, no food, no water, no money. It eventually came to Izuku's mind that UA was still there. That is were is took turns in Izuku's life and his son. Over time Izuku became cold and startes changing, aswell as his son. They both rarely smile now!


It was a start of a new year in UA that means a new batch of class 1A. Izuku never had thought that today was gonna change for him. Its been what?,  years since the drama. (Just imagine how many years cuz idk) Izuku got up with the sound of his alarm and he looked at the time horrified that he was late on the first of Jan, Ironic isn't it?. He got up quickly got dressed and ran to the teachers lounge.

Izuku: AHHHH!! I AM SO SORRY TEACHERS I AM LATE!! *Bows head repeatdly for 5 sec*

Dadzawa: Kid, dont say sorry right now!!! The class is waiting!!

Izuku: OH RIGHT- GOOD MORNING DADZAWA BTW!! *quickly runs of*


Izusuki: ughh where is the Teach?!!
Jin: *shrugs* he mi-

Izuku: *barges in panting* I AM SORRY CLASS! Please settle down now.

*all of them gets back to there seats*
Izuku: My name is Mr.Midoriya and i will be your teacher for the next 3 years of your life in UA. Just to get one thing straight if u think i am one of those naive teachers, I AM NOT! *class flinches* I don't care about you all but i will if u show me that in 1 year. If not, you will be out of the academy. Now come up here and tell your name and quirk DO NOT TELL THE "BLA BLA MY QUIRK BLA BLA" *sits in the chair* One by one!

*Insuki comes up*

Insuki- The names Insuki Bakugou-Midoriya. My quirk is explosion whip. *shows middle finger to Izuku*

Izuku- Excuse you young boy! I am your father! Please respect me for awhile *scoffs* Now SIT.

Insuki- Ye ye old man *sits back down*(lets skip the intro part and go to where izusuki has to intro and all cuz i am lazy so we will only feature drama? IDKKK)

Izusuki- *comes up avoiding to look at Izuku* Hello class! My name is Izusuki Bakugou-Midoriya! My quirk is airforce explosion.

*Izuku and Insuki look at eachother with kinda teary eyes*

Izusuki- and *turns to deku* Bastard...

Izuku- Fucking bitch Katsuki u raised a brat *mumbles*... Anyways!! Class please go to the locker rooms and change into your P.E uniform and meet me at the ground!

Izuku: *waits in the ground but sees something with explosion that gets closer and closer from the sky* What the fuck-
Katsuki: *lands* *pants* AM I LA- *looks up* WHAT ARE U DOI-
Izuku: Shut your mouth! I don't wanna hear anything. No you are not late bitch. *scoffs*
Katsuki: *eyes widen* WHERE DID YOU LEARN TO CUSS?!
Izuku: oh shut up! It's none of ya' business. *sees the children coming*
Jin: *running* AHHH! MR. MIDORIYA HELP!!! INSUKI IS CHASING MEEE!! *goes behind Katsuki accidentally in fear*
Izuku: What the fuck are u kids doing- INSUKI BAKUGOU-MIDORIYA STOP RIGHT HERE!
INSUKI: But papa he!-
Izuku: Nah-uh! Go around the school and do 50 laps
Insuki: But pa-
Deku: *glares* 10o laps.
Insuki: Fuck you! *starts running laps*
Katsuki: Abuser.
Izuku: Shut up. Like you raised YOUR daughter well, atleast I taught mine to not cuss and elders except me. BUT YOURS SAID 'BASTARD' TO ME!
Izusuki: Shit...I am screwed...
*rest of the class still standing there in shock*


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