Karina Maya runs as fast as she can, feet hurting but refusing to give up.
Not again.
Along the muddy ground, across the tennis field, and past the new school building, her legs carry her toward the faculty room. Someone—anyone—might be able to help her.
Tears run down endlessly on her flushed cheeks. She roughly wipes them using the dirty sleeves of her uniform.
Damn it. Where is everyone?
It's just a few minutes past 7, surely someone should still be in school.
"Maya, Maya, Mousy Maya, why the fuck are you running away? Oh. I know why. I know where this is. Ah, there! The fucking faculty room." The voice is getting nearer to Karina. It belongs to Aiko, the leader of the gang of girl delinquents in Karina's school. "You hoping someone's gonna save your sorry ass, ugly?" She laughs, menacing enough to send a shiver down Karina's spine. "They didn't before, right? So why would they care now?"
Aiko's parents are both influential business magnates who constantly donate a large sum to the school. That's why nobody—even the school principal—dares to get in her way.
But, still.
Maybe someone could—
"Found you!" Metal bat in her hand, Aiko squats to level her gaze on Karina, who is crouching on the floor of the dark hallway where they're at. "Take her," the girl commands her group.
Instantly, two burly girls take hold of Karina and drag her out of the hall, toward the back of the building. The rain had just stopped pouring, making the ground muddy and full of puddles. Karina's tiny legs and her clothes get dirtier. Finding a nice spot, the two girls carrying her toss her against the wall. She falls to the ground with a loud thud.
Karina is so frightened and doesn't know what to do that she sobs like crazy.
"There, there, little mouse. Stop crying. It makes you look even uglier," Aiko whispers. It almost sounds like a taunt, but they all know it won't anger the quivering bullied.
Ugly—it is not the first time Karina heard someone call her that.
She knows very well that her face is one of her many flaws. Her plain brown eyes are always surrounded by dark bags. Her nose is too flat. Her face is always ridden with acne. And her unruly short grey hair won't fall to her shoulders like how she wants it to.
On the other hand, Aiko is blessed with sparkling black eyes that remind you of a starry night sky. Her skin is clear and as soft as cotton. She looks like a model with her beautiful physique and long brown hair that she keeps in pigtails below her head.
Aiko laughs her menacing laugh and swings the baseball bat in front of the cowering Karina. "Take thi—"
Tudurututut tudurututut
The bully lowers her bat. "Tsk." Aiko fishes her phone from her pocket and answers the call. "What is it? What? Huh? That damn bastard! I'm going to kill him!" She looks back at Karina, resting her bat on her shoulder. "Looks like you're lucky this time. But we'll continue this again, Mousy Mouse." Her hand slightly pushes Karina's head away from her gaze. "Later." Then the bullies are gone.
The next day, Karina's indoor shoes are missing. Again. She isn't surprised by this anymore and is already prepared. She already bought and brought an extra pair. She speeds her way to the classroom where her desk is filled with scribbles of swear words and words like "die!" and "zit face." She shouldn't bother cleaning them anymore but she still does. It is almost part of her everyday routine now.
Come lunchtime and she's running her usual errand: lunch for Aiko and her minions. This is also the reason why, although only 13, she's working hard at her part-time job at the convenience store.
"So, Mousy," Aiko says in between bites of her meat bun, "I have another task for you."
Karina's head is down but she's listening. She's only allowed to eat lunch after Aiko's group has finished theirs. Karina stands solemnly on their side.
Aiko continues, "I need you to do something. You see, some fucktard had the gall to hurt my boyfriend. People are saying this guy's seriously strong but I'd like to disagree. He's just human and he won't be much when he's alone." She chomps some piece of her food more then says, "I need you to lure him to a street corner near Delilah's."
Karina's eyes widen. Yes, she lets them bully and hurt her but it's totally another thing to let them hurt anyone else. And she'll be the one luring that someone else.
Heck, no.
"Huh?" Aiko seems to know that she's going to talk back. "You fucking defying us now? Got the guts to say no now? What if we beat the crap out of the convenience store owner where you work, huh?"
The convenience store owner? But he's too old. If Aiko says so, they'll really do it. They'd really beat the old man out and he'll die.
Karina clenches her fists. Trembling and heart heavy, all she can do is nod.
A picture is handed to her. On it is a beautiful blond boy in his school uniform.
An angel—that is the first thing that she thinks when she first sees him.
Aiko tells her "This is Manjiro Sano. Also known as Mikey. This bastard is the reason why my boyfriend is in the hospital right now. We'll lure him near Delilah's. Then, we'll kill him." Hatred is burning bright in Aiko's eyes. Karina believes her.
She'll really kill him.

Mikey! (Manjiro Sano x OC) [Tokyo Revengers]
FanfictionKarina Maya is being bullied at school. When the leader of her bullies gets angry at a certain leader of a group of delinquents, Karina is used for vengeance. Karina then meets, falls for, and gets involved in the dangerous life of Mikey, the leader...