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London had done a lot for them, taken a lot from then, gave a lot to them , somethings happened for good and some, should not have happened.
"Hello" said Manik tired as he thumped on the bed after a long day.

"Manik , we have a meeting tomorrow, that would happen online. Would you come to the office or be at home to attend it?" asked Nia, Manik's new personal assistant .

"I would come Nia, home is not really home as of now" said Manik sighing looking around his house which had no charm at all, all dull and dark.

It had been 7 years now that he had shifted in London. It was all tough for him in the beginning but slowly and gradually, things worked out for him and today he was standing where he wanted to, he was what he dreamed himself as .

"Okay , I will message you your schedule. Bye." said Nia

All these years, Manik had grown up to be a matured man, all the experiences that he got, challenges that life threw at him, all of it made him stronger and better. He learnt to be kind because that comes back to us at the end of the day. He was no more the rude arrogant Malhotra he was recognised as back in time.

Gathering all the left energy in him, he reached the refrigerator and took out the bowl of rice and curry , heated it up and served it for himself. Having it along with scrolling down his Instagram, he ended his day and went back into his bed, ofcourse not before checking that the gas was off, the lights were off, the door was locked because he knew that was what she would have done if she was there,his daughter, Amayra. His heart and his princess. He missed her and even more when he had no one to hug and sleep cause she would not sleep anywhere but in the arms of her dear dad. He was grateful each and everyday for her.

Before sleeping, he opened his phone to look at his wallpaper, his happy family . If only could he go back a little in time and not let them go all alone, he would not have been sitting missing them today, rather been with them wherever they are. Dropping the lone tear from the corner of his eye, he closed his eyes hoping that the sleep would engulf him, atleast today.

Morning 7 when his alarm rang but he did not wake up, why would he when he never slept at the first place. His family had spoilt him for sure, he did not know how to live without them but now, he had to.

Getting up and folding his blankets, setting his bed , he barged in the washroom and came out freshed up . Getting into his official coat, pant, setting his hair right and grabbing his laptop bag, he was out of the house. Not before checking everything again.

He sometimes hated his work,that always required him . Hardly could things happen without him being around, the only reason why he was not there with his family today, only reason why he could not go with them that day.
Brushing his thoughts off, he stepped out of his car and went in his cabin directly . It was half an hour since he was in the office when he heard a knock. Allowing the person to come in, he turned around to look who it was. John, the manager of supervisor section.
"Good morning Manik" said John

"Morning John, what happened?" asked  Manik.

"Manik, I know we have an important meeting today but my children need me back at home today. They are very adamant to take me on their annual day at school and I cannot afford to see them sad on their special day. They are getting an award today,so can I please go? I promise to follow up on the meet-" Before he could go on about how he would ensure he does not leave out on the details, Manik stops him

"Go" said Manik with a smile.

"Really? You are not angry?" asked John unsure. Though Manik was a lovely man and not always did he shout on them but he was quite serious about the presence of everyone in the meetings.

"You do not even had to ask me about this John. You do not require anyone's permission to be with your kids. And besides you are lucky you have it in your hands today and that you can compromise on work and be with them, cherish moments with them while they are around, once they are away, you gonna regret it otherwise" said Manik . John passed him a nod and thanked him for his generosity before leaving the cabin .

Manik went up to this table , picked up his phone to see it was 10:45, fifteen minutes for the meeting to begin. Quickly, getting into the call section, he dialled a number .

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