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"Documents, water, tissues, cash... Did I forget something?"

"Your husband with the bags," Craig shouted from the top of the staircase. He was carrying a suitcase in each hand and two backpacks, one on his back and one on his chest. He had two more bags slung across his chest, as well as a pair of elegant sunglasses in his hair that clearly did not belong to him.

Grunts accompanied every step the man took. Eliana stood with her hands on her hips, scowling at her husband. "With all the bags on you, you're going to break your neck. You should have split them up and done two rounds."

"I'm strong and smart. I know I can take all these. It's called efficiency," he pecked her lips and she smiled despite shaking her head at his antics. "Besides, I did split the bags."

At his words, Jordyn skipped down the stairs, flashing the fanny bag around her waist. She was dressed in her pajamas and appeared to have just gotten out of bed. With her fuzzy socks, she skidded across the floor. Once she was near her parents, she removed the bag and held it up to her mother. "There you go. I believe that's the last of the luggage."

"Thank you, muñeca," her mother said and patted the girl's cheek.

"Oh, I see how it is! She gets a thank you while I get an eye roll. Why don't you just go on vacation with her?" Craig complained, the mischievous glint in his eyes betraying him.

"You get what you deserve, old man," Jordyn sang, which caused her father to ruffle her hair.

"Okay, back to the important stuff," Eliana said. She placed her hands on Jordyn's shoulders to study her. "Are you sure you don't mind if we leave without you?"

Jordyn nodded and gripped her mother's hands. "Don't worry about me. Enjoy the getaway together. I'm fine on my own," she reassured.

"I don't like leaving you alone during your summer vacation," Eliana said, frowning slightly.

"It's alright. You two seriously need some alone time and I'm not one for traveling. This isn't my first time being alone. Actually, this may be the first time I'm not alone. I'll probably spend all my time over at the Davenports," Jordyn explained, shrugging.

Craig wrapped his arm around his wife and drew her closer. "Honestly, us leaving is the best we could do for her. Jody has the entire house all to herself, she can throw huge parties, come home drunk or just sleep in some bushes. The possibilities are endless for a teenager." Eliana snorted, picturing her daughter in those very untypical and outlandish scenarios. Jordyn wrinkled her nose in disapproval of her father's suggestions. "Och! Don't be naff, Jody," he told her.

She nodded, waving a dismissive hand at him. "Yeah, whatever. You're gonna miss your flight if you continue to babble on like that."

"See, she can't wait to have us out of the house!"

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