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Bell rang

Yoongi was walking in hallway happily when his phone beeped.


Can't wait to meet you x

When Yoongi checked his phone and saw message he smiled. Was walking to library and went to their spot but Jackson was no where. "Jackson?" He looked around and then go to his phone.



Can't wait to see you x

actually can we meet up at break instead?

Yoongi was Lil bit confused but answered.


-principal over PA-
"Happy New year, Truham boys. Uh don't forget there'll now be students from all school years in your new forms groups. I hope you enjoy getting to know-" while the principal was talking Yoongi look at his hand that he writed *NEW FORM ROOM:B25!* "- some fresh faces in registration each day.

Yoongi was slowly walking to his new form room.

"Oh! If it isn't Min Yoongi. Happy New year." teacher said. "Hi, sir." "Come to join Hamlet House?" "Apparently so" Yoongi said. "Let's see, where did I put on seating plan? Ah, yes, you're over there" teacher pointed at table with his pencil. Yoongi looked where he pointed "Next to Jung Hoseok. He's year 11, so only one year older than you. One of the rugby boys too, I think. I'm sure you'll get along swimmingly. Or you can just sit in silence for the rest of the year. It really doesn't affect me in any way what so ever." Yoongi groans and start walking to the table.

Yoongi sit next to Hoseok." Hi" Hoseok said happily. "HI" Yoongi said back and and look away. His smile showed up on his face.

School bell rings

Yoongi was walking to music class. "Hey, Sorry about earlier " Jackson said while he put his hair back. "It's fine" Yoongi said smiley. Jackson come closer to him. "I missed your face so much" said while smirking and Yoongi chuckled. "Really? Did you have a good Christmas?" Jackson nod. "Yeah, it was all right. You? " he said. "Yeah. Yeah, it was good. Um... My whole family was around on Christmas day and then-" Jackson shut him up with kissing him. "You're so cute." They both chuckled and kissed.

When suddenly school bell rang. Jackson quickly pull back and swiped his lips. "See you later then, yeah?" "-Still don't tell anyone about this." He said before leaving. "Oh. Um..." Yoongi said and looked at him how he left. Yoongi waved his hand and said bye when he already left.

Time skip

Since that day, Yoongi and Hoseok have been saying Hi to each other when they meet in hallway or in form room.

"Are u going that way?" hoseok ask after saying to each others hi. "Yeah. Maths." "oh, same." They started walking together to class. "Are you literally doing your homework while walking to your lesson?" "I might be" Yoongi chuckles "That's very chaotic." "That makes me sound way cooler than I actually am." Hoseok said. "DO you want me to do that for you?" "No I'm good." Hoseok said "I can tell you the answer." "Then I won't learn." "If you're stuck I can just- Let me just-" "Stop-Get off." Hoseok said while he giggled. And he accidentally drawed on Yoongis hand. "How dare you?" "Look..." he said and took Yoongis hand and drawed 2 dots what maded cute '(:'. "Better?" "Maybe?" Yoongi said and smiled.

When they were walking Yoongi saw Jackson coming in front of him. "Hey." "What?" Jackson said "Uh... Just 'hi' " Jackson chuckled. "Why are you talking to me? I don't know who you are. All right, mate?" He said and looked at Hoseok. "Yeah, all right." And he walked away.


HI this is author. I just wanna say that episodes from film will be cutted in more parts. Bc it would be long and I don't want my readers to forgot about my book☺️ so it will be like this :

Hope u understand, THANK U FOR READING MY BOOK <333333

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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