▪︎ Ms. Aunty's Story ▪︎

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(Warning) : This Contains Some Acts of Violence. +13 🔪 🗡

She was a very happy child, She had a brother, She had a mother, even had a father.
Until, When she turned 3 everything changed for the Worst. Her Father left, Her Mother became cruel, And Her Brother went missing 💔.
For money, She was forced to dance in public from her mother.
She did this for years but In High-School, She met the Love of her life. Pierce Brown.
He was Handsome, Strong, and Smart.
They became High-School Sweethearts, then after graduation they got married "Happily".
They decided to have a kid of their own, But He started to show his true colors.
He abused Ms. Aunty and his own child.
One Day, She had enough and divorced Pierce.
She thought she finally got rid of him but, I wish it was true.
He snuck in.
He creped through the hallways to the child's room.
He took a pillow.

Then He suffocated his own child.
In the morning, She was devastated. She swore, She would get her revenge.

Several Month's Later.

She invited Pierce to a "Special Party" Just for Him.
Once He Arrived, She served him dinner.
Soon She brought him to a big red barn.
In the Big Red Barn, There was a Huge Hole in the ground.
Full of Insects and Hungry Rats.
She Locked The Door..
She went behind Pierce...

She pushed him in the Hole.
She watched as Pierce was slowly eaten by Hungry Rats.
The Neighbor's called the Police, Once They Arrived it was too late.
Pierce has died.
Ms. Aunty is no where to be found...

1 year later.

A little boy was lost, When He was found.
He said, He had meet a lovely lady who had helped him.

The Mother tried to find the women, and She Did.
The Mother thanks the Women.
She asked for her name.

The Women replied.
"I am Sivan Aunty, You May Call me Ms. Aunty if you'd like too."

▪︎ THE END ▪︎

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