▪︎ Mishka's Story ▪︎

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Mishka's parents abandoned him on the road so they could run from the police together.
They left him a necklace to take care of and forever hold onto it.
At the age of 7, He mastered the art of Tricks and Pickpocketing.
He'd steal from the rich and give it to the poor, One day He was caught by a police man who took him to an orphanage.
He did not like that orphanage a single bit.
The Adults were ignoring him and The other children were picking on him for being different.

A Few Months Later

He ran away, He ran into a women who was donating some money.
That Women took him in and treated him with kindness, love, and affection.
He had 3 other siblings but They treated him with respect.
Mishka was then home-schooled by his dad, He taught him how to fight, do math, and cook.
When Mishka grew older, He moved out and went to a community collage.
He met Felix, a Man who loved to mess with the human DNA.
they graduated together and joined a group who hunted animals.

If you'd like a part 2 of this, ask nicely

▪︎ THE END ▪︎

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