Trailer 2

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On the TV, it showed a show where there was a car chase involving a red convertible and a bunch of police cars chasing after it.

"Were we really like that before?" asked Piranha, who was looking at the screen in concern.

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"So, now that we're home, what should we do?" Tarantula asked.

"We got our second chance and we have to use it to decide what our story will be like," Wolf told the audience while he was driving the car.


"Alright, guys, let's focus on the task of hand. It's just like a heist, only we're not doing this in secret," Wolf instructed his friends in a grocery store

The second scene showed the customers and staff suddenly stopped and stared at them, surprised by their arrival, then went back to their activities in the store without screaming, running, and hiding away from the gang, too.

"Wow. Everyone was just staring at us for one second, and then... nothing," Shark said.

"It feels... normal," Piranha added, feeling weirded out.

"Not exactly normal for us," Snake corrected.

The scene changed to a restaurant.

Snake slithered towards a couple, eating their food on the table, "Snake Attack!" Snake pounced in the air, just to scare the couple and showing his sharp teeth. Instead of receiving a flinch or screams or fearful eyes, the couple just smiled at him, and the two continued to eat their food, "Wow, seems like they got used to it, and they didn't even back away a little," he stated.

The scene changed back to the grocery store.


Aren't your hornet species eating other insects... like meat?" A customer asked Hornet.

Snake suddenly saw a little girl, who was holding a red balloon, look at Snake and smile, which confused him.

My daddy and I always saw you and your friends on the TV, and I wanted to see what you would look like up close," The girl then bravely touched his skin, "You're much scalier in person."

"Though do you have any ideas on what you'll all be doing now that you're out of prison?" a woman asked Wolf, who was trying to find answers.


The reporter, Tiffany, announced on TV, "Breaking news! We inform anyone near the Woodsville Museum to stay clear of it. A group of terrorists has taken over it and are holding the guests hostages!"

"We have to do something," Wolf declared.

The rest of the Bad Guys didn't know what Wolf meant, until Shark, Piranha, Tarantula, and Hornet gasped loudly in realization.

"You mean..." Tarantula wanted to guess.

Snake growled, slapping his tail on his own face, "Aaargh! Okay, okay, fine! Fine. We'll save those people. But we have to make sure no one will see us or recognize us. And no innocent people or the cops should witness this."

"Alright, guys," Wolf put his paw in as the rest put their hands/fins/tail in, "Let's do this!"


The scene showed each of the Bad Guys fought every member of a terrorist.

Another scene showed Tarantula bit a leader's leg.

it's just the matter of time before some other criminals try to hurt innocent people," Wolf declared. "We gotta clean this city from the inside-out."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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The Bad guys: New Beginnings, New Normal trailerWhere stories live. Discover now