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06:The Incident's

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The Incident's

A finger hovered above a certain number.

'Should i?...it might be a sensitive topic for him..'

The h/c-nette shook his head at the thought and pressed the number before clicking call.

'no! I..i need to know. He's lied to me all this time. I deserve to know..'

M/n stood up from his chair and patiently waited for the person to answer the phone. His foot tapping on the ground as he stood in silence, minus the ringing sound coming from the phone.

"...M/n? Do you need something?"

The familiar voice asked as he picked up the call, acting as if nothing happened yesterday.

"Hey, Oikawa? Can you meet me at the park today? Like, right now?"

He said as he gripped tightly on the end of his white shirt. He was nervous but he had to toughen up sooner.

"Oh sure! Luckily i have no plans today so ill get going. See you there N/n!"

The chocolate haired exclaimed before hanging up causing the other one deeply breathe out since he was holding his breathe ever since the start of the call.

Though he was rather getting suspicious of him, he was being more... cooperative? He didn't exactly know the word but its something like that.

He was never like this before, its like he changed.


"Surprisingly Daichi didn't stop me...this day is just getting more weirder and weirder..."

He placed his hands inside the pockets of his jacket as he walked whiel watching his step.

Everyone was being too nice today, even if it were only two people it still felt like that.

Finally reaching the park, he saw the tall male already there. He was on his phone, it looked like he was there for awhile now.

"Sorry im late.."

"Oh no problem! Is something up?"

M/n called over the his partner who looked at him immiedately pocketing his phone.

"Erm well..."

'fuck, shit, shit! I didn't think of how i would start this!!'

M/n was panicking inside, looking at almost everything from time to time causing Oikawa to worry.

"Hey hey, calm now. If you're that nervous to talk about it we can-"

"N-no! I....the thing i have to talk to you about is really really important." M/n cut off the setter who waited for the rest of the sentence.

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