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We made it back to the field. How long, Edward said. A few minutes. Maybe 10, Alice said. The pack needs to leave. The Volturi won't honor a truce with the werewolves, Carlisle said. Then newborn attacked Leah. Jacob jumped in but the newborn broke his bone. JACOB NO, I said! Still, in my wolf form Paul, Sam, and I jumped in and started riping the newborn apart. I went behind the rock to change back and ran back to Jacob. Jacob, you idiot, I had it, Leah said. Leah, Sam said. I need to set the bones, before his accelerated healing kicks in. It's already starting, Carlisle said. We need to get him out of here. We're not gonna win a fight with the Volturi, I said. Not him too, Just when everything goes good then it starts to go bad again, I thought to myself while a tear runs down my eye. He's gonna be ok, Jared said to me as he patted my back. We'll take him back to Billy's, Sam said. I'll be there soon as I can, Carlisle said. Hang in there, Jake, Bella said. 

-At Uncle Billy House-

I couldn't stand to see Jacob like that so I ran outside and started to cry. I just wanted to sit there and just cry. I felt numb and I just wanted to stay there. What do you want Seth, I said tears still running down my eyes. He sat down next to me and kissed my head. I borrow my head into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me and started crying. When Carlise came I  heard screaming and with every scream, I heard I let a cry. Seth held me in his arms and kissed my head. Bella pulled up and got the car. I heard another scream and started crying. It's been going on for a while, Quil said. Doc's re-breaking his bones, Embry said. Why did he have to butt in? I could've taken that tick, Leah said. Give it a rest, Leah, Paul said. The worst is over. He'll be all right. I gave him some morphine, but his body temperature will burn it off soon. I'll come back to set up a drip, Carlisle said. Thank you, Uncle billy said. Carlisle nods and then faces Bella. He's asking for you, Carlisle said. Uncle Billy wheeled up to me. I am so proud of you Y/n and I'm sure your mother is proud too. I cried as my tears went from sadness to Happiness. Uncle Billy can I stay the night, I asked. Yes, you may. Seth and I lay in his bed together. I put my head on his chest while his hand was on my hair and the other wrapping around me. I fell asleep and felt safe in his arms. 

Such A Sweetheart|Seth Clearwater x Male Reader(IN THE PROCESS OF A REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now