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IGNORING YOUR COLLEAGUE COULD BE difficult regularly. But when you share an office, you can imagine how much more difficult it would become.

Rhys hasn't exactly tried talking to me about...what happened in the office-our shared office. He's just been his normal self. I've been my normal self too-on the outside at least.

It's been a few days since the office entanglement. That's what i'm calling it. I refuse to call it a 'make-out' or a 'hook-up' because it wasn't.

I'm paranoid all the time. Like when Gloria sees me and Rhys she gives us goo-goo eyes, which she did before but now I think she knows something happened between us. And whenever Lex brings up 'Mr. Handsy' all I think about is his hands under my shirt.

No, I don't regret what we did, but it's making me think more about the none-physical things about Rhys. Like how he's become caring and compliments me all the time. He knows what to say to get me going. He remembers things that i've told him-most of the time. He's become someone who's important to me.

I gather all my things from my desk and look toward Rhys's empty one. My mind flashes back to me sitting on it while Rhys-I stop myself. This has been happening a lot. I look at something and it reminds me of Rhys. Then I block it out.

As I walk out of the office, and to the elevators, I wait for it to come. Then as the elevator pings and slides opens, i'm greeted by the face of Rhys Moore.

He stares at me, I stare at him. I can see the tension in his jaw, but don't comment on it. He doesn't get out of the elevator when I step in. Instead he waits for me to hit the button to the first floor.

The elevator ride is thick and quiet. I practically jump out of the elevator when it reaches the lobby. But I hear the pitter of dress shoes on the floor behind me.

"Miss James." Rhys merely whispers.

I keep walking. I'm not talking to him about the office entanglement with people watching-especially Gloria.

I walk out of the glass doors and the New York air whips my hair all around. But I keep walking. Obviously I didn't bring my car to work. I never do-which i'm regretting now.

"Miss James." His voice is almost irritated.

I don't turn around and instead keep walking. His footsteps are faster and heavier. I'm not getting out of this.

I stop near a car-an awfully familiar car. Fuck my life. I turn around to meet Rhys's heated gaze.

"Mr. Moore. I have somewhere to be and don't appreciate all the...chasing." I cross my arms over my chest, Rhys's gaze doesn't budge.

"Chasing." He scoffs.

"What would you call it? Hurrying after me while the whole lobby looks on. Following me all the way to the sidewalk." I shrug.

"You don't get it do you?" He runs his tongue along the inside of his cheek. I roll my eyes.

"No, I don't get it."

"You don't get the jealousy, or the possessiveness. The coffees. The hospital. The food. The club. You think I do that with everyone else? You think I do that for anyone else?" His voice has an edge to it, and i'm afraid we're yelling.

"I don't know what you do for everyone. Nor do I care." I tighten my grip on my own arms.

A mocking laugh follows my statement. It's borderline a scoff.

"Fuck Wren. I thought you knew. I thought you knew and were ignoring it." I suck in a breath. "Turns out you really are just clueless."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm in love with you! God, is it so fucking hard to tell?"

There's no way i'm breathing. And if I am, then I must be dreaming. Fuck. I'm not dreaming. This is real. All of it.

"It is." His jaw so tight, it has to be hurting. "In case I didn't make it clear the first time, I love you. I've been in love with you since the first day you rolled your eyes at me."

When I don't answer, Rhys keeps going.

"Can you believe that?" He half laughs, half scoffs. "I loved you even when all you did was hate me." His face falls for the first time since i'd met him, and i'm the cause of it.

"Rhys..." My words fail me as I look deeper into his eyes. His sad, hollow, trusting eyes. I look away.

"Listen. You don't have to say anything. I realize this is weird and uncomfortable, but to be honest I don't really give a fuck. I like you, a hell of a lot, and I want you to know. Alright?" He places his hand on my cheek and I melt into it.

His touch is featherlight when his finger swipes over my cheekbone. His fingers slides down to my chin and he gently turns it to him. My eyes meet his and everything is suddenly clear.

"Alright." I crack a small smile at the twinkle in his cloudy eyes, like light in the middle of a storm.

He leans down and places a lingering kiss on my cheek. His soft lips gentle yet firm against my skin. Then he places a kiss on my nose, his lips move to my temple. I close my eyes and let the warm feeling fill my chest, my stomach, my brain; I let it wash over my entire body.

His lips touch mine and I become a puddle right on the sidewalk. The kiss isn't fast or hot. It's not sweaty or heavy. It's just sweet and memorable. It's like all the words I don't know how to say, somehow are being translated into this kiss. Perfect, is how i'd describe it.

Rhys pulls away and leans his forehead on mine. "I love you." He whispers, only to me.

He places another chaste kiss on my temple and my brain goes fuzzy. I can't seem to think of anything but him. It feels like everything in the world is right, because I have Rhys here with me.


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