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"Nya, I tried, i- I-", the words got stuck in his throat.
"Shhhh, shhhh, you're okay", Nya tried to calm him. Her only brother. Her only family. And he was in a bad way.

The next week's past quickly Kai got little to no sleep and Lloyd was stuck in a constant loop of nightmares, the one he lived, the one he dreamt, the one he had become...
He was a monster...
He was just like his father...
Just as selfish and worthless...
Just as cruel, unkind and stupid...
He was....
He was a monster...

* Knock*
* Knock*
No, not opening the door.
"Lloyd?",... Coal's voice.
"Buddy... You in there???", Jay?.
"You happiness levels are rapidly decreasing", Zane?.
"Coal, I'm not in the mood for cake. Jay, 'don't care about the new videogame. Zane..Leave me alone you big tincan".
I'm sorry, I'm hurting you. I'm a monster. And a screw up of a monster at that.
"I'm sorry...",Kai said.
But Lloyd couldn't hear Kai's voice. The voice he loved and he couldn't push him away.
Kai the boy that loved.
Jay the boy that laughed.
Coal the boy that cared.
Zane the boy that thought.
I'm sorry...
He went back on his promise to himself. He opened the door a warm hug sprang at him from all directions. Jay coal and Zane clung to his neck.
"Thanks guys", loud managed to mutter.
He looked up, expecting a Kai but found a note.
'I'm so sorry',it read,' we all care about Lloyd Garmadon. My purpose is to protect the green ninja. My choice is to love you - k. s.'
Tears spilled from his eyes.
I love you too.

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