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To deal with the anxiety of today, Selene decided to go out and run some errands. She got some extra groceries, bought some clothes, and treated herself to some fast food (her manager would strangle her). She got home before noon and fell asleep on her couch. She'd worry about putting away her items later. Thirty minutes into her nap, her doorbell rang. Who could that be? Was it Porco coming over to mess with me? Selene thought. The doorbell rang again and Selene was immediately on her feet. "Coming!" she called out. She unlocks the door and her eyes widen when she opens it.

"Your Royal Highness," Selene says out of breath. She fidgets for a moment before remembering that she needed to curtsy. "Oh-! No, you don't have to do that! Just call me Jean," Jean says with an awkward chuckle. Selene brings herself back up and tries to fix her composure. "I'm sorry...I didn't expect you this early. I haven't even gotten ready yet!" Jean looks her over. "You look fine. I'm taking you somewhere nice, not elegant. At least not yet."

The media was right. Jean really was careless. But not in the devious type of way. The sense of normalcy was probably attractive to him. "Let me put my shoes on and let me get my purse and then we can leave." Jean nods as Selene backs away from him. She soon turns on her foot and exits to her bedroom.

Selene slams her bedroom door behind her. It's not like she was nervous or anything. Pssh, Prince Jean was nothing. It was just the fact that he showed up at her home out of nowhere that startled her. How did he even get her address? "He's apart of the Royal Family, dummy...they probably have information on everyone," Selene muttered to herself as she entered her walk-in closet.

After collecting herself and what she needed, Selene finally came out of her room. "It's nice to see you again." Jean has a sheepish grin on his face. For someone notorious for his activities, he was strangely off. Maybe he was nervous. For all Selene knew, a paparazzo could be hiding somewhere in her penthouse complex and ready to snap photos of both of them. "So, what exactly is the plan?" Selene questions. She gestures for Jean to move out of the doorway so that she can close the door behind him. Jean shuffles out. "Uh, well, I was just hoping that we could eat and discuss details. I don't really see us doing a whole lot. I're probably really confused and concerned about the process and I really don't want to overwhelm you or risk being caught with you on our first date. I can always plan more in the future if you'd like though." Selene immediately felt stupid for asking. Once again, she had to remind herself that they could get caught...and this wasn't like a romantic date at all. It was more of proposal.

When out of the penthouse complex, Jean walks Selene to a black Jaguar XJ. "I honestly expected you to have one of those chunky looking Rolls Royce's," Selene joked. Jean playfully rolls his eyes. "You'd think I'd drive in one of those old things?" He opens the backseat for her. Selene slips in and Jean follows after her. "Ms. Selene, this is Marlo, my driver and someone I consider close to me. If you do agree to be a part of my life, just know that if you need anything, Marlo will be there to help."

Marlo looked fairly young, maybe younger than Jean. "It's nice to meet you, Ms. Hendrix," he says with a kind smile. Selene cups both of her cheeks, feeling herself heat up. "Please stop with the honorifics. Please call me Selene. It'd be good practice if I do go through with whatever's planned."

"We appreciate your humbleness, Selene, but know that my father would probably kill Marlo if he didn't hear him referring to you formally," Jean informed. Selene was slightly confused but didn't fight back. Considering how big the Royal Family was, she didn't think she'd matter much.     

Selene also didn't realize how picky his family was. The quiet and very private cafe that Jean had taken Selene to hadn't settled her uneasiness. Curtsying to those above her (pretty much their whole lineage) and using sir and ma'am was understandable. But knowing what fork to use and how to use a teacup "correctly" was another thing. "I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. That's the least of your worries. My thing though is how they control your image. I've been a prince my entire life and I'm the biggest victim of it. My mother was too. I guess after she passed, they started using me to make Zeke seem like a much more desirable spare."

"Oh...your mother...she was lovely. I'm so sorry for your loss," Selene said quietly. June, the Princess of Shiganshina or simply June Kirstein to those close to her, was Grisha's second wife. His first, Carla, passed away from an illness. They looked perfect together but their marriage wasn't all flowers and rainbows, especially since he was seeing Dina Fritz, a woman he went to school with. Zeke was born and Carla treated him like his own. She'd eventually have Eren, raise both her sons and later on get sick and pass. Sooner or later, June was in the picture. The public hated her but soon began to love her when they realized how humble she was. Within a few years, she'd marry Grisha and gain Carla's title and the title of the "People's Princess" for her treatment towards the public. She'd end up overshadowing Grisha, which soured their relationship. Jean's birth didn't make anything better. Jean was fourteen when he last saw his mother alive. He'd have to walk beside her coffin sometime after her "accident".

"It's fine. What's been done has been done. Anyways, like I was saying, they really screw you over if you're not the perfect person. Like if you're still eating after my dad is still eating, I'm telling you, everyone at the table will stare you down until you melt," Jean says with a joking tone. The way he brushed off the mention of his mother's death and his constant rambling concerned Selene but she didn't dare question it.

"I assume my style will change too?" she questions. "Oh yeah. Father hates it when women wear pantsuits but feel free to make your style whatever you want. Don't let them control you too much." Was she supposed to brush this off? His family was really starting to sound weird. Jean opens his mouth again, "Along the way you'll learn more. My sister-in-law is a royal by birth but since she's not from here and wasn't familiar with our customs, I'm sure she'd be willing to help you and guide you. She's lovely. You have nothing to worry about."

Selene stares down at the coffee she's ordered. It's half-empty...or halfway full- whatever the saying was. Being associated with Jean sounded like a lot of work, considering his reputation. But she couldn't let Historia get married to him. He didn't even seem interested in her. They would never be happy.

"If it helps, you can stay married to me for a few years, maybe have one baby for me, and divorce if you'd like. I know it doesn't sound ideal but I'll take care of you. Even if we don't have a happy relationship, I'll still make sure you have the privacy and protection you need. All you have to do is say yes, Selene."

Selene looks up at Jean. For the first time, she notices his soft, needy eyes.

"Alright, do I need to sign a contract or something?"

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