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Kentucky, Our basketball country.
The game has gone on with us losing, 41-85.

Scott tried to dribble the ball to the  basket but ran head first into a tall black guy with cornrows. The whistle was blown. "That a charge." Jeremy yelled pointing a Scott. Everyone stopped the game as I ran to make sure Scott was ok. "You inbred pile of donkey shit!" Coach yelled standing up. "Uh What did you say." Jeremy Said looking around nervously as Ron stood to try and calm coach down.

"You four eyed fuck! Come on!" Ben said pushing Ron away. "That was a fucking block and you know it in your heart!" Ben yelled as we all looked at him embarrassed.

"You know it was a block!" Ben yelled as Jeremy walked up to him. "Come on, ben. Are we really doing this again? Jeremy mumbled trying not to cause a scene.

These guys are a foot fucking taller than us, Jeremy! Ben yelled pointing around at the other team in red and yellow. Well he wasn't wrong.

"Ya gotta call it even on both sides, ya prick!" Ben yelled as I went and sat down on the floor, we weren't gonna get anywhere soon.

"Ben I do not wanna T you again the game is basically over." Jeremy said walking away.

"Well fuck you!" Ben yelled, I knew what was about to happen. "It's not my fault that the hamster that you tied to a string and shoved up your ass chewed off the string , so now your standing their with a piece of string but the hamsters eating away at the inside of your asshole!" Ben yelled as Jeremy looked unamused.

"Hopkins knock it off!" Greg yelled walking up.

Oh,fuck you Greg. You're the one who probably shoved the hamster up their in the first place!"

"Ahh fuckin my fuckin life!" Ben yelled taking off his jacket and throwing it on the ground.

"We're getting pounded inside the way your mom pounds your fucking sister!" Ben yelled kicking his jacket as I saw opal roll her eyes.

"Alright you had your fun but that's it! Greg yelled as he blew the whistle loudly.
"Your out of here!" Greg yelled getting into coach's face. "Good I wanna be out of here, cause this is a shitshow!" Ben yelled as we all had to pull him away before he does something bad.

"Come on coach." Isaac yelled as we pulled him by the arm. "And this is a circus, and this is not basketball." Ben yelled as we finally got him away from Greg.

"This is Barnum and fucking baileys!" Ben yelled and threw a chair to the ground.

"But after they took away the elephants and it's not as fun!" Ben yell finally as the door closed.

Let me introduce myself, hi I'm Mitch first female basketball player on this trash team. The only reason I'm here is because I'm an outcast like the rest of us. I have brace and a lisp kinda like Dj accept I'm not fat. Anyway on with the game!

"It's gonna be hard to sleep tonight for me, guys. This one's on me" Ben mumbled sadly looking down. As I sat next to Time-bomb on the bench. "This one goes on my permanent record , I let my emotions get the best of me again. Ben said sadly as everyone did what the usually do I mean he alway does this.

"I coached you not to make the same mistake and then I made it." Ben said as everyone just stared at him.
"I deserve not to be listened to and not to be respected." Ben said continuing his little speech as I slapped time-bombs fingers away from his nose not know why he was sniffing them.

"But you do listen to me, and you do respect me. And I owe it to you to apologize and that what this is, let's put this behind us. I apologize. Ben said while everyone just looked at him and I smiled. "It's ok coach it was actually one of your funnier meltdowns." Dj mumbled. "Yea coach nothing to be ashamed of." I said smiling. Coach smiled but look over at Marcus.

"Marcus if your listening to billy Joel again I swear to god.." coach said.

Marcus removed his head phones. "Huh? Oh sorry I was listening to "glass houses" bully Joel's second best album. I rolled my eye at Marcus's obsession with billy Joel.

"Crap! I don't want my team psyching themselves up to billy fucking Joel!" Ben yelled kicking over a garbage can which startled all of us but he kicked it again.

"We're the shortest team in the league." Ben says claiming down slightly well it's not out faults, we can't control our heights.

"But you can't teach size. I can't teach size! Ben said sadly. damn I know your ashamed of us but you don't have to rub it in.

"The problem is I care to much." Ben said looking up directly at all of us. Ugh here we go again.

"I love this game, I love basketball." Coach says walking forwards. "And I love this team." Ben said pointing down toward us. I smiled but I felt like this wasn't going to last.

"Right here, I love you guys, I love coaching you guys." Ben said looking around slowly at us.

"Your missing the point coach." Dj mumbled here he goes ruining the moment.

"Oh and what the point Dj?" Coach says putting his hands on his hips as Dj stand and walks towards the middle."

"Coach you said if we won the game you'd give us your bang bus password!" Dj said getting up in coach's face making all the boys smile ,yea that's my que imma leave soon.

"Well we lost." Ben said staring down at Dj.

"Well we want it anyway." Dj yelled trailing out his arm. God sometime I wanna piling that fat fuck.

"No! I'm sick of always being' a pushover." Ben yelled back into Dj's face.

"Not anymore I'm sticking to my guns this time. Ben says looking down.

"Come on coach I wanna see some banging on some buses." Time-bomb yelled I sighed and started packing up my bag.

I heard Coach sigh and give in. But I was already up the stair walking away. God guys are something else.

I decided that I would just go sit on the bleacher considering that I don't wanna go home.

You sat up on the bleacher and noticed I wasn't alone. The was a boy around seven feet tall who was leaning against the pole of the bleachers.

He had a long trench coat and and black pants with shaggy brown hair. He seemed lonely.

"Hey!" I yelled which seemed to startle him. I waved him over. "Hey." He mumbled I could here a Australian accent which I liked.

"You seem lonely." I mumble as he sat next to me. I could tell he noticed my stupid lisp.

"Yea I don't really have friends." He said sadly looking down.

"Well now you have one."I said I hugged him making him flinch a little.

He smiled and hugged me back awkwardly.

Hoops! (Matty x reader x Timebomb)Where stories live. Discover now