oh god.

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You wake up and find out that your curled up next to Hunter! You instantly blush and just freeze up, Hunter watches. "Look what we have here" he says as you jump up and hit your head on the lamps. "MOTHERFUCKER!!!" Hunter sits up and puts his hands around your waist, you blush even more, he pulls you down as you sit down on his bed. "Chill. Are you okay??" "Hell no! I feel like I'm bleeding!" Hunter checks to see if your bleeding, him hovering over you felt like heaven. You wanted to pull him down and kiss him once again, as you think that you cover your face. He sits back down "well your not bleeding. Woah- why is your face covered?? Is everything okay?? Are you crying?? Please don't cry." He says in a panicky tone of voice, you uncover your face and look at him with a red face. You cant hold back and without even knowing it you kiss him! You pull back "oh- oh my god- i- I'm sorry. I should go." as your trying to get up from the bed but Hunter pulls you back down, he makes eye contact with you then leans in and kisses you! You cant believe it your crush for years is kissing you back! You could never pull away from a moment like this, you put your arms around his neck. He pushes you down without breaking contact and gets on top of you. He stopped and looked up at you as your face is red "Cute." He leans back down but instead of your lips, he's leaning down toward your neck. He starts giving you hickeys you can't help but let out a soft moan or two, nothing like this has ever happened to you before you just let your body react the way it wants to. He works his way down to you're stomach and starts giving you hickeys there too. After awhile he's done and goes back to kissing your lips, as your making out with each other you look at the time on your phone, it's time to get ready, way past time. You put your hands on his chest and push him off a little, "hm?" "Look at the time Hunter!" "Oh shit-" you get up and run to the bathroom with a new pair of clothes as your changing you get the thought of wearing one of his shirts, his smell was like heaven to you, you come out without a shirt as Hunter is already dressed. "Hey.. can i borrow a shirt?" Hunter is blushing like crazy, he throws you one, you put it on. You walk over to him and grab his crutches, he pulls you close "those hickeys i left look amazing on you." You blush like crazy "come on metal boy" you say handing him his crutches, you grab his school bag on the way out. You help him into his car and then you take the wheel.

He Rocks! - Hunter Sylvester X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now