Chapter 5

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She ran down the long and dark tunnel. There was a door. She didn't know where it went but she opened it. In hope to get out of here.

All around her were voices and laughter. Laughing at her?

Somebody chased her.
She tried to escape but the door just offered her a new dark aisle.
She kept looking behind her.
Nobody was there. Nobody chased her. But somebody was there.

Her pulse went up and she started panicking. She tried to find a way out of this labyrinth of doors and rooms.

A voice screamed. Another scream and then silence.

A hand grabbed her arm.

More hands came out of nowhere and also grabbed her. They pulled her in in multiple directions, they started shoving her around.

She tried to escape but it failed. She screamed after help and started crying. She fell on her knees covered her face with her hands. The hands dragged her to the ground, incapacitated her so tied that she hardly could breathe.

She left out another scream and all of sudden someone softly shook her by her shoulders. "Wake up."

She shook up terrified from her dream. "You're alright?." Sherlock asked.
"Of course. Just one of these fever dreams you know." She answered a bit shakenly.

"What are you doing awake?" She asked.

"You feel asleep on the sofa, having a nightmare, how couldn't I not be awake?" He answered.

He was right. She sat up. With her feets she dragged the blanket halfly down on the floor. She looked around. It was the living room. The fire slowly burning down, from outside she only heard the night traffic and some light shone here and there into the room.

The memories from the moment before she fell asleep were like a cloud of dust. She belived she went to her room, took a shower and changed into comfy clothes. A look down at her confirmed her that nothing of that happened. Was it all an illusion?

"I don't understand." She stuttered.

"You don't have to, everything is alright."

She nodded slowly not believing him.

"I'm just so tired." She whispered and leaned against him.

Speaking it out loud finally was reliving. The sleepless nights, afternoons and mornings. Coffee to survive the day somehow, not knowing how to continue.

Telling him whats going on means talking. And talking means facing the problem. Ready or not, he would not let her go now.


She needed time.

"I once read an article about how skin contact can actually help someone calm down or relax. Thats often why fathers hold their babys close to their chest, shirtless sometimes. It gives them a feeling of comfort." She blurted out.

He shook his head. "Didn't knew that, but I have heard some theories."

He rested his chin on her head.

Now a never.

"I haven't slept that much lately so I, well.., spend some time in the internet." Kathleen chuckled.

"Are you afraid to go to sleep?" He asked concluding from what she said.

"Answer the question."
"Yes, sort of."

"Why?" He digged further.

"I'm scared, that he will continue taking over my life."

"Listen to me Kathleen, I promise as long as you are by my side nobody will ever hurt you again. I'll keep you safe." He said in a soft but also serious voice.

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