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"Hello" said the person on the other line and there was the smile on Manik's face which was nowhere to be seen since the last time he talked to her.

"Nandini, where the hell was your phone?" asked Manik . It was since last night that he was trying to call her , to talk to her but no one picked up the call.

"Manik do not shout okay, it's not morning in India right now" said Nandini "and it's not even my fault. Your daughter did not let me take your call."

"What? She is still angry?" asked Manik settling himself on the chair giving a quick glance at the watch

"Obviously, and she will be okay only when you come here now" said Nandini patting Amayra's head who was sleeping hugging her tight.

"I am trying , trust me." said Manik sighing again. He knew how hard he was trying to finish work soon , he was just not able to live without his family anymore.
It had been a month now that Nandini and Amayra were in India for Abhimanyu's wedding. A month before was engagement and Manik could not make it out there , Nandini stayed back till the wedding and Manik was to go before the wedding but work conditions led him to doubt if he would be able to.

"I know you are trying. Please come on the wedding or else I will not help you with Amayra I am telling you" said Nandini

"Yeah whatever, I myself am enough for my daughter. As soon as she would see me, I know she would come running to me" said Manik . He was too proud of his relationship with Amayra.

"Lets see Manik" said Nandini as she left out a yawn making Manik realize that it must be 2 or 3 midnight there and she had to sleep.

"Go to Sleep. I love you " said Manik as he dropped a kiss over the phone.

"This was for Amayra ha. Dedi use" said Nandini kissing Amayra's forehead

"It was for you" said Manik leaving Nandini speechless. He knew how Nandini thought that Amayra was his world but only if she knew he liked this world only when it was with her.

"Bye" said Nandini before hanging up the phone and Manik quickly got ready for his meeting. He was feeling a lot better after talking to Nandini. No response to his calls was only making his mind wander in the wrong directions.


"The deal is on Mr. Malhotra" Passing the delegates a small smile with a nod, the call was disconnected.

"Manik, you need to take interviews of a few people" said Nia coming in his cabin

"For what?" asked Manik. He could not recall any interviews happening

"For the management department Manik, we need interns" said Nia reminding him

"Oh yes okay send them in" said Manik as he gulped down a glass of water.

It was the only meeting of the day and so Manik retired for home, back in the dark walls. Changing into his casuals , he was on his study going through some files when he thought of giving a call to Nandini, he knew how desperate he was to talk to Amayra, deciding against it,he thought of messaging Nandini.

"Is Amyra up?" asked Manik in his message .

Nandini was up as it was 5 in the morning now.

"No, why aren't you sleeping?" asked Nandini

"I don't feel sleepy anymore , I want to see my girls now" replied Manik

"Come then" replied Nandini

"I will or maybe I can surprise you today itself or maybe tomorrow" replied Manik

"Are you coming?" asked Nandini

"See for yourself" replied Manik not giving her a direct answer .

"Fine,bye" replied Nandini irritated. Even after so many years of them being together, almost a decade , this man still was the one who knew how to irritate the hell out of her and yet make her feel the luckiest .

Manik chuckled throwing his phone away and just as he hit the bed, there was it the emptiness engulfing him again. Getting up from the bed , he knew he knew what he needed to do .


It was 12 afternoon when Manik set his feet in India after almost 5 years. It was when Amayra was born when he came to India and now today. As soon as he knew he needed to be with Nandini and Amayra, he quickly called Nia and got himself his private jet arranged . No one knew he was in India, not even Nandini though she had an idea with all of his indirect talks . He was very happy and excited to finally hug his angels, his world . He headed to the Murthys, Nyonika and Raj  were not in India, they were to come soon.

His car stood infront of the Murthy gate. Getting off he straight went inside the house , the gate was wide open, the decorations were all in full swing. All of this reminded him of his wedding with Nandini, beautiful days.

He looked around to spot someone known but all he saw was new faces, girls chattering around who he had never seen before, he wondered where they were during his wedding. Oh yeah maybe they were there but he was too engrossed in Nandini and him that he absolutely had no idea oh who and who not attending the wedding .

"Dad" shouted Amayra from the top of the stairs . Manik turned around to look at his princess who was coming down the stairs at an express speed which reflexively turned him into the protective dad.

"Amayra slow " said Manik as he quickly matched up to her and as expected, she slipped on the last stairs but thankfully Manik held her, and took her in his arms .

"I missed you so much dad" said the 6 year old in his arms.

"I missed you more Amayra" said Manik nuzzling in her cheeks as she felt ticklish from his beard

"You have grown your beard dad" said Amayra caressing his subtle .

"Just did not shave" replied Manik as he heard Ishita .

"Manik, what a pleasant surprise" exclaimed Ishita taking him in his arms as he still held Amayra protectively.
"How are you?" asked Ishita "and why are you late?" Ishita made him sit on the couch as he asked a servant to bring refreshments amongst all the hustle and bustle in the house .

"Sorry ma, I tried to come as soon as possible" replied Nandini while Amayra still held tight to him .

"Dad, come meet my friends" said Amayra pulling him up from the couch .

"Amayra we will but I will just go see your mom first okay?" said Manik and Amayra quickly nodded.

"Mom is in mama's room" said Amayra . Manik nodded at her, gave a quick peck on her cheek and ran up the stairs to meet his pretty wife.

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