Part 2

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Nida's pov

I was shocked would be an understatement of what I was feeling right now.

I never expected him to be this angry .
Omg what if he gets angry at me one day , he wouldn't hit me right ?.
I rushed to the receptionist as no one came help her .
" hey sweetie are you okay ? , I'm sorry for what my friend did " I apologised to her for Damon's mistake

" I'm sorry ma'am it was my mistake I should've known better " she replied with tears due to embarrassment
I helped her stand up
" Damon you need to apologise to her," i said folding my hands over my chest
"No princess I don't apologise to anyone "

" why not "

" because I don't owe her an apology, "he looked towards the receptionist raising his eyebrow and asked "Do I ?"

" no sir it was my mistake I should've known better " wtf why is she apologising

I can't stay here
I can't breathe the same air has Damon
I couldn't believe what happened
" Damon you're not the person I know "
And I just rushed outside
" your bitch, you're fired " we the last words I heard because I left the hotel and went towards the cab stand to find a cab.

Damon was coming towards me but before he could reach me I had already got a cab.

I wonder why Damon did that it wasn't even a mistake
How can he fire that girl
Oh gosh it's his hotel
But how is she supposed to know when his girlfriend of 2 years doesn't know about it?
Damon kept calling me and texting me but I was in no mood to talk to him.

I knew he had anger issues but he would just get normal after me cracking a stupid joke nothing too serious.
I'm kinda scared of him.
I reached home changed into my clothes and went down to have lunch with Mum and Zain
Zain my younger brother is 10 years old.
Papa is usually at work at lunchtime he comes at 6, my mum also works but she has Saturday off and today is Saturday.

My mum is a manager at a restaurant.
And my dad is an interior designer.

" good afternoon mumma what's for lunch? You know your sweetest and favourite child is hungry at this time " I said while laughing as I knew Zain will get jealous

"Mumma look what she is saying " he cribbed
Mumma just served us food Which was soup and fried rice "
I chatted with Mumma and Zain about random things and went upstairs when I was done.
I decided to check my phone and what Damon had to say about his behaviour.
The phone was still ringing as he kept calling me for the past 2 hours
I picked it up " Yes? "

" listen here and listen well next time you decide to ignore me and do what you did today don't forget how I slapped the receptionist and she just told me no"
Damon said in a very dangerous voice

" you're going to slap me? "

" no baby girl if u plan to do what u did right now again that slap will just sound like nothing "

" Damon you're scaring me I don't want to talk to you, " I said scared.
" hmm, 150 calls and 200 messages you couldn't even fucking reply to one of them, huh ?"

" I was angry at you !" I said
There was silence on the other side
" why did you hit her and why did she apologise to you?" I asked to know the truth

" I own that restaurant everyone knows who I am in this country but she said no to me in my restaurant, bitch deserved that "

" why will everyone know you are you the president or what !"

"Baby have you heard of the name David black ?"
The mafia leader
" yes, that inhumane creature who everyone hates and fears, what does that have to do with you? You're .... " that's when it struck me he's David blacks son the next mafia leader
Hoping they weren't related but he then said
" What you're thinking is right baby girl, I am the next mafia leader in line "
I was shocked
"Damon I can't talk to you anymore please, you all are criminals, I'm sorry I'm scared and I wanted a normal life with a normal boy, not a mafia king "

Somehow I could feel his anger from the call itself
"Oh, you think you have an option now !? , you think I will ever let u go? You think you will get to marry anyone but me !?"
Tears running down my eyes with each line I say
" please I can't be with you "
"I'm coming to pick you up get ready if you won't come down by yourself I'll come up and drag you with me "
Please continue reading it, I swear it gets better ✌

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