7: New Mission

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Madara sat Infront of Cinder, watching her every move. She tried to put on a calm front but he knew she was slightly panicked. He did not blame her.

Madara: so, you have a proposal?

Cinder: yes, my mistress, she can give you anything you want if you do this task for her.

Madara thought about that for a moment, before coming up with something to ask for.

Madara: we need money. So, what is this task?

Cinder: an assassination. You kill Headmaster Ozpin and my mistress will give you your money. But you must wait until the Vytal Festival, then you will be able to kill him and get your money.

Obito walked into the room with the other two idiots held in his arms. He dropped them on the ground and jumped over to Madara's side.

Obito: so, did she tell you about the deal?

Madara: yes, I can see the benefit of this. Not only will this get us money, it will also allow us to take out a big part of the government here. Well Cinder, you have a deal.

Madara then stood up before kicking Cinder in the jaw, knocking her out.

Madara: drop them on the outskirts of Vale with a note.

Raven walked in at that moment and stood silent, watching as Obito teleported away before speaking.

Raven: she will never honor the deal.

Madara: I'm aware, but she will not give us problems if she believes we are working for her.

Raven: I see. Do you plan on getting some sort of gun soon?

Madara smirked and pulled a case out from under the table. He opened it to reveal a shotgun and a small SMG.

Raven: nothing fancy?

Madara: I figured it would be stupid to get something flashy.

Raven: right. So about the Schnee's...

Madara: what about them? I already sent Roman and Neo to deal with it.


Roman stood Infront of a scared Jaques Schnee, looking down on him with disgust.

Roman: what is your answer?

Jaques: I take it! Just don't hurt me!

Roman smirked before turning and disappearing into the shadows, Neo following close behind.


Madara: I imagine their doing fine.

Raven smirked at his attempt at a joke. She sighed and ran her hand through her hair. Madara looked deep in thought before he had an idea. He started laughing, cackling even.

Raven: what? What is it?

Madara: nothing, nothing.... Just a really bad idea.

Raven: and what would this idea be?

Madara: cutting my hair. Hmhmhm, I think I know what I'll go for...

An hour later...

Madara smiled at his reflection in the mirror. His hair was still long, but it droop down his back like before. Now, it went to about an inch below the chin. Raven stared at him, noting for the first time, how handsome he was when he wasn't trying to kill you. She blushed at the thought but was brought back to reality by Madara leaving the room. She stood up and followed him. He took off his Akatsuki cloak and sat down on a nearby couch. He was dressed in all black except for his belt, which was a light tan. He leaned back and turned on the TV, watching as the news played.

Reporter: in other news...


Ozpin sat in his office, looking at footage of the train robbery and footage that showed Roman Torchwick and a multi-colored girl wearing similar cloaks as those in the train footage.

Ironwood: so, what do you think?

Ozpin: I think we have someone new in the game. Someone who knows what they want and how to get it, but the question is, what is that?

Ozpin looked at a screen to his right to see the face of General Ironwood.

Ironwood: we need to warn people, they've already killed a number of people and caused millions in damage.

Ozpin: I agree, but we don't want to create panic, so, we will simply state that an unknown criminal organization wearing these cloaks exist. We will not speak of what they have done.

Ironwood: I see... I'll set someone on it.

Ozpin: thank you.

He hung up the call and took a sip from his coffee mug.

Ozpin: you can come out now.

Out of the shadows stepped Obito, Indra next to him.

Ozpin: so, what do you want, are you here to kill me?

Obito: quite the opposite. We came to warn you, A woman named Cinder Fall is going to be the downfall of beacon.

Indra: she and her, "mistress" want to see you dead. We accepted the contract only to keep them off our backs.

Ozpin: so, is that it? Your trying to play good?

Obito: no, that is only half the warning. When the time comes, you WILL die by our hand. And then we will kill Salem.

Ozpin: so you know her name? Interesting. And who might I ask is your leader?

Obito: I think you have the wrong idea of what we're doing here. This is not an information exchange. Our leader is none of your concern. What is your concern is the safety of your students.

Ozpin: you will NOT hurt a single student...

Obito: correct. But Cinder Fall does not work for us. She does not follow our rules. We only wish to kill you, and you alone. Which is why my leader has given you a choice.

Indra: give him your all, and we will protect the students.

Ozpin: why are you telling me this?

Indra: we were told to. And besides, Madara does love a fight...

Ozpin: Madara? Is that your leader?

When there was no response, Ozpin turned around to find an empty room. He sat down and rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming in. There was a quiet knock on the door and in walked Glynda Goodwitch,  she must have been eaves dropping.

Ozpin: don't say anything. I know what you will say and I agree, it is stupid to believe them. But if what they say is true then I fear I have no choice. I will not sacrifice lives because I didn't heed a warning. The Vytal Festival is in two weeks and there is bound to be problems... If only it wasn't so complicated.


A/n: would you be interested in seeing other Akatsuki members show up? I mean people like Deidara, Hidan, Kakuzu, itachi, etc. I will also allow Original characters, Dm me with the details and we can sort it out. Basic rule, no one related with Cinders faction or Salem. They must be either huntsman or ex-huntsman. They can also be a Shinobi but if you do that they must be at least a jonin level ninja. That is all.

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