"i am coming for you" "haha cumming"

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Tommy woke up and saw green mist. He was surprised really and decided to just scare him differently. He bot up to close the door so he could get ready when there was a fairly new red marked darwing in the door "looks rather ugly innit, 0/10." A gasped voice emerged from the other side of the door. "You're meant to be scared or at least running for your bloody life mate." Tommy just looked up at him. "Stop trying to be British, you're American dream. And am I meant to be scared?" He asked. Dream was stressed and just yelled "yes." Tommy gasped for air and screamed "AEURGHHHHHHHHHH" in his face. Dream just disappeared. He had no times for Tommy's games. "I can see you still Tommy." Tommy looked around pretending to be scared and then posed confidently. "Do I look good?" He said with a mocking tone. Dream was really pissed out at this point and whispered "dont turn around. Dont walk back now." With a batman sigh at the end of it. "K." Tommy said and started moon walking backwards. "TOMMY YOU FUCKING MORON YOU DONT UNDERSTAND YOU CAN FUCKING RUN BUT YOU WILL NEVER FUCKING HIDE." Tommy looked up at him and smirked. Dream knew he was about to say something dumb again. "I can run away?" He questioned and sprinted. dream facepalmed and ripped some hair out. It's a thing he does when stressed. "IM COMING FOR YOU TOMMY MINECRAFT INNIT!" and a faint voice yelled "HAHA CUM" dream was done now and teleported behind him. "I am behind you.." and Tommy replied with: "okay, I'm in front of you, no big flex?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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