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Haizee Wynnham

Today is the opening day of my shop.

I am busy preparing the pastries and such whilst my brother, Nicholas and his fiancée did some small decorations in the entrance.

The room was filled with the delicious aroma of my newly baked Almond cookies. Surely the customers will love these. It was my best seller when I was a casual Baker selling it online.

Now that I have saved up enough money to get my own space, my business will surely grow big sooner or later.

I mean, who wouldn't want freshly baked goods everyday? Especially in the busy streets of my city, the delicious smell trails around.

"Haizee, we finished the decorations." My brother stated, "What do you think?"

I placed the tray on the counter before walking out the kitchen. "Did you put the balloons as well?"

"We sure did, we placed it beside the windows." his fiancée, Katie, replied.

I gave them a nod and went outside to check. I can still smell the fresh baked cookies outside.

They decorated it perfectly, just the way I wanted. They placed the potted plants in the corner but not too far. The balloons were beside the windows to not block the view.

Although it is minimalistic, it still looks fantastic.

"It looks amazing! Thank you!" I excitedly exclaimed.

"Mommy! Look, a new pastry shop! Can we go please?" a kid across the street asked her mother, tugging the hem of her shirt.

"Later, hunny. We'll go in after this call." her mother simply replied.

They're talking across the street but I'm the only one who can hear them. It's not like I have super hearing or something, but I appreciate this thing I have. I can hear people not too far from me. They're only about a few meters away from me.

What annoys me the most is that I can see their life just by listening to their custom orders. I don't even know why this happened to me. I can't even tell my family about this. They'll think I'm weird or did some voodoo magic.

It started when I received my first online order. I know, online. How can I see their life through a screen? I don't even know why.

"But you always say that, mommy! Never mind.." the kid sighed, defeated. I took a quick look at them, the kid looked disappointed. While she slowly walked away, her mother followed, still on the phone.

What a Jerk.

My brother then gave me a hug, "Congratulations on your first shop, Haizee. I am so proud of you." He said as he patted me on the back.

"Are you okay? You kept looking at them." He asked. He must have noticed.

I shrugged. "Oh yeah, I'm good." I then gave him a small smile, "I'm just excited."

My brother supported me when I mentioned that I want to be a pastry chef. Our parents aren't being supportive about it, as they want me to become a Doctor instead.

Typical parents, right? They kept bugging me about it. They want me to give up on achieving my dream and achieve theirs instead. Medicine isn't my thing.

Katie then gave me a hug as well, saying congratulations.

I am glad to have them both in my life, without them, I wouldn't be here. We shared the same struggles in life, and here we are, infront of my first shop.

The city was packed with people, busy streets stuck in traffic. It is quite noisy since today is a Saturday. Day off for them but a busy day for me.

Everyday is the same thing for me, packed with busy schedule only to end it at 1 am. Starting a business sure is tiring but it is the only way for me to survive this life. Money is everything, they say.

I looked at my watch, "It's time to open up the shop. Are we all ready?" I asked, proudly standing infront of them.

Nicholas nodded, "We sure are, let's go?" He wrapped his arms to both of us ladies infront of him, leading up towards the door.

He handed my the scissors to cut up the ribbon. His eyes tells me clearly that he is proud of his little sister. I mean, I'm his only sister so he should be proud.

Katie stood back to film me cutting the ribbon, Nicholas stood beside her. The visitors that we invited started crowding infront, also the passerby.

I sighed and looked infront of me. Nicholas gave me a thumbs up and smiled. I looked back at the visitors before opening my mouth to give my opening speech, I am still quite nervous.

"It is a great honor to have all of you witnessing my first ever opening. I would like to thank all of you, especially Nicholas and Katie for helping me from the beginning." I paused, as I spotted my parents in the corner.

I am happy that they're here but I'm sure they just want to see how my business is going. After all, they protested that I shouldn't open my shop. I gave them a small smile before continuing.

I then started slowly cutting the ribbon with the scissors Nicholas gave me, "I welcome you all to The White Apron."

Everyone applauded and gave me a bouquet of flowers, congratulating me. Friends and Relatives gave me a kiss on the cheek, wishing me good luck for my business.

I opened the door for them and stayed behind. I patted my brother's shoulder.

"I saw mom and dad in the corner earlier, have you seen them?" I asked him. Looking behind him and anywhere, but they're nowhere to be found. Maybe they left already?

"I didn't. Why were they here in the first place? You know they were against of this." He simply replied.

I shrugged. "Maybe I'm just hallucinating. Come on, let's go take their orders now." I continued. I grabbed his arm and went inside.

The shop was so busy, they're already enjoying my cookies that I have given for free. I didnt even notice there were kids earlier. Smiles and laughter filled in the room.

I have never been happier than before.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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