Meta-Fore of Love - part eight

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warnings » there's angst and there's an ending </3

b's note » here we are, the grand finale. really, really, really hope you all enjoy it! thank you all so much for the feedback and the comments, the tags, the emojis, you name it. you rock <3

~ ⛳️ ~

Three weeks later

"Hey, y/n?"

David's voice breaks through the silence of the back room.

Officially your shift at the Toasty Den is already over. Keyth came in a few minutes ago to take your place, but you still have to wrap up a couple of chores to get everything in order before you leave.

More than ready to get the fuck out of here for a weekend off, you look at David when his head pops into the room and he says, "You have a customer."

"Since when do we have assigned customers?" you argue, going back to organizing the glasses into the dishwasher tray.

"We don't, but this one insists on being served by you."

You roll your eyes at this nonsense. "Uh, please tell them I've already clocked out. Keyth is even prettier than me."

"You bet he is," David jokes, stepping fully under the door frame as he talks. "But I think you'll want to serve this one."

When he pauses, you give him a look. No way that's who you think it is. He wouldn't dare waltz in here, at your workplace of all places, after three weeks of radio silence.

Tom, that is, has been out of town, and it's not that you want to talk to him, but if he wanted to see you so badly, he could have texted first so you could prep yourself for another useless encounter with him. You've been doing so good, not even thinking about him save for when you're really lonely and there's nothing good on tv or you wouldn't know what to watch anyway. The Den is starting to become the only place that doesn't remind you of him because of how scarcely he's been around here and how disconnected this spot is from him.

"Oh, and it's not him in case you're wondering," David says like he's been reading your mind. Your shoulders don't relax any more just because he said that.

You look at where he's standing and exhale loudly, slowly, composing yourself to try and not lose your cool in front of a customer. "Fine. If they want me, let's give them what they want."

"Customer's always right, my ass," you mumble to yourself on your way out.

When you glance up over the counter, you're greeted by a widely smiling blonde.


He has also been out of town for at least two weeks, but unlike his friend, Harrison has been checking in with you every now and then, and he's at least asked how you're doing, if you've been keeping yourself afloat. Barely, you've told him every time, but him showing that he cares has certainly boosted your friendship.

"What the hell are you doing here, mate? Thought you'd be back tomorrow."

"No, I said today," he drags the last word, silently calling you stupid.

"Today's the twentieth?" you stop in your tracks to look at your hands as though they had the answer. You don't carry your phone at work, so really they couldn't help you whatsoever.

Harrison gives you a cat-meme smile. "Today's the twentieth, bae."

You sigh dramatically on purpose. Time has been passing by way faster than you realized.

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