I hate this place even more!

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I feel like throwing up.As my eyes start to look shift the other boys dressed up in girls clothes trying hard to hold in there laugh.I look over to my teacher who looked quiet confused until realising that I had no idea what was going on.

???:Ah you must be (y/n) I'm your home room teacher mr brown.

I look at him confused thinking about the name I saw on the door.Hime stood next to me as HE tried to get closer towards me.I try to ignore it and open my mouth to talk about my utter confusion.

(y/n):I'm so confused I thought your name was mr Bateman secondly can I have some bloody personal space please.

Giving Hime a look that told him to leave me alone.He noticed this and just froze in place looking down at the floor.The teacher just sighs rubbing his head in disappointment.

Mr brown:Not this again Patrick how many times do I have to tell you to stop putting your name tag on my door.

A American voice is then heard coming from the back of the classroom.

???:Oh come on sir,you can't lie it is pretty funny.

The boy was dressed in a suit and wasn't dressed like the rest of the boys is the class.He looked well presented and obviously was one of those kids who did a workout and has a daily routine before coming to school.The teacher just facepalmed and pointed at a desk and chair text to the boy.

Mr brown:Alright (y/n) go sit there that's your new seat.

I nod as I dodge a incoming hug from Hime as that bastard tried to hug me goodbye.He looked upset as I walked to the back of the class and sat in my chair.As I sat I could feel the eyes of these disgusting weirdos watching me.A few minutes passed and a felt a tap on my shoulder.I turned to where the person tapped me and it was Patrick who was facing.

Patrick Bateman:So I'm guessing you don't really know where you are do you.I can tell your not like one of these beta soy boys so any questions you have I'll answer for you now.

I smile knowing that there's someone actually normal in this school.I laugh at the beta male joke and breath in and out.

(Y/n):Well first off what the hell is this school and why are these guys dressed up like girls.

Patrick then fixes his hair and just laughs at my question.

Patrick Bateman:Well for starters your in a all boys school for one,however it wasn't always like this.You see the current head teacher started promoting this disgusting cross dressing policy where you could wear anything you felt confident in.Due to this more of these freaks joined the school and the people who disagreed left.It's just me Paul two others and you who are the only normal people here.

The sudden realisation that I'm in a all boy school pisses me off even more.I felt angry that my mum wouldn't even tell me that this was a all boy school.I won't be able to see any female thighs now which angered me to the core.Suddenly the person in front of violently turned around and stared at the both of us.He was wearing a black top and tight jeans showing off all his curves.He had large green hair with a hair of nerdy glasses.

He had large green hair with a hair of nerdy glasses

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