Chapter One: Mute

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Chapter One: Mute 1/7

[Read the tags! This book has abuse and graphic details of self-harm. Please don't read if you are easily triggered by any of those things.]

Being selectively mute wasn’t all that bad. It just makes people stay away from Katsuki. He keeps to himself anyway. He goes to all of his classes and hides behind the bleachers during lunch. Most people don’t even know that Katsuki is mute, figures he is just quiet. Katsuki wouldn't say that his life is boring but it definitely wasn't filled with excitement. He doesn’t mind that his days always feel the same. He just goes with it. Katsuki’s mother, Mitsuki, has always had a temper. She has been that way since middle school, back when she was actually proud of him. Katsuki’s father was out of the picture, he had died back when Katsuki was nine. It had been a car accident, the only reason he had been out was because he was trying to find his son a birthday gift. The main reason why Katsuki never celebrates his birthday. She had started yelling at him when he turned ten and began to hit him when he turned fifteen. Katsuki is nearly eighteen now, ready to move out and pretend nothing happened to him. He’s not sure why he had gone mute, maybe it was the comments that Mitsuki would say. “Wherever you open that mouth of yours, nothing but lies come out of it,” or “Keep that mouth shut, no one wants to hear what you have to say.” From the age of eleven Katsuki had stopped talking. He speaks to his mother, she forces him to most of the time.

It is a friday night and Katsuki lays on his bed with a book in his hands. The book wasn’t anything special, just a simple romance story. He was a sucker for romance. He hopes to one day be in a relationship. He knows that it’s unlikely that anyone would want to be in a relationship with him but he can’t help but dream. There is one person that Katsuki can’t help but stare at all of the time at school, Eijiro. Eijiro isn’t like any other guy, he skips class, gets terrible grades, and constantly has a smile on his face. Katsuki isn’t sure why he has this crush on the guy but there was nothing that he could do to get rid of it. It’s not like Eijrio will ever know he was alive so there was no harm in this little crush. They shared a few classes together. Katsuki’s school schedule was, English four, Government, Culinary, Applied Mathematics, and being the library assistant. Thankfully he had worked hard during his freshman year till Junior year. His grades were fantastic yet he never really cared about them. The only thing he cared about was that Mitsuki wouldn't look at him in disappointment.

He flips through the pages of his book before setting it down. He was slowly getting more tired as the minutes passed. He’s almost been the kind of person to go to bed early. He woke up rather early so it wasn’t terrible that he went to bed early as well. He works during the weekends, the only time his mother allowed him to work. He worked at a library, the pay was good and he got to sit around all day reading. It was perfect. Eventually Katsuki falls asleep with the book near his head. He tries not to lay on his ride side, Mitsuki had punched him rather than harshey on the side of his right arm. He never told anyone about the abuse because he felt like he deserved it. It was his fault that his father had died after all.

The weekend goes by quickly. Katsuki goes to work and buys some food at a restaurant close by. Before he knows it it’s Monday morning and he’s lying awake in bed trying to pretend his alarm isn’t blaring in his ear. He really should change the loud annoying ringing noise. With a sigh he shuts it off before slowly getting out of bed. He takes a quick shower before pulling on a black hoodie and a pair of old ripped blue jeans. He shoves on his glasses before going down stairs to grab something to eat. Mitsuki often left for a few days because of work. Katsuki loves when she’s gone but he’d never say that outloud. Toast and butter and a glass of water is what he decides is for breakfast. Simple and light on the stomach. It was also the only thing his mother let him eat unless she was feeling nice. He tends to get stomach aches because of how nervous he can get. Soon he tugged on his shoes and swung his school bag over his shoulder. Katsuki takes one deep breath before leaving the house.

The school is buzzing by the time he gets there. Public schools are the absolute worst. All the movies about high school were true. There are groups of students, populors, the losers, the nerd, and of course the people that dress in all black and have multiple piercings. Katsuki didn't fit into any of the groups. He doesn’t care, only a few more months till he’s free. As Katsuki walks through the halls he keeps his head down, trying not to make any awkward eye contact. He goes straight to his first hour. She was always nice enough to let him wait in her class until the first bell rang.

“Hello,” Mrs. Patterson says with a smile on her face. Katsuki smiles back before taking his seat. “Just to let you know today we will be choosing some books to do a book report on,” she seems more excited the more she talks about it. She has such a love for literature. Katsuki nods his head, smiling even more. He loved writing book reports, it always allowed him to truly analyze the book.

Eventually the classroom begins to fill with students. No one really sat near Katsuki, he was one of the only people that sat in the front of the class. He enjoyed sitting up front because he was able to see the board better as well as hear the teacher better. Soon the first bell rings and people take their seats, the class is nearly full. That’s when Katsuki hears the sound of a school bag being slammed against the table right next to him.

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