its not your fault

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Erin's behind a tent on a video device "thanks for at least warning me" Erin says to Ada

"No problem" Ada looks around

"lead Wesker to Mexico" Erin asks

"He thinks your in mexico so yeah"


Erin looks back hearing Davis introduce "frederic downing he's the one who developed a vaccine for the virus which you in particular are so familar with" Davis says

"what does Wesker want with EV anyway" Erin asks

"well of course power he needs that on his side he has nobody left" Ada explains

"what about spencers" Erin asks starting to walk over to Claire

"somewhere hidng in europe" Ada explains

"shouldn't be surprised I gotta go  I have a feeling its not over"

"your right its not" Ada says

Erin walks closer to them to hear Leon "I didn't think its use would be sanctioned this quickly"

"then the human testing that took place in India-"

"an attack by terrorists that somehow got hold of the T virus" Leon explains

Erin gives ada a look through the device "hey hey hey I only sold the G virus to Wesker I don't know anything about the T virus maybe someone else sold it"

"ok well I'm gonna go see this through" Erin hangs up

"The U.S. government obtained permission from Indian Authorities to adminster the T-virus vaccine to the nearby communities a vaccine secretly develoed by wilpharma it was a success the infection rate was kept as minimal as possible" Leon explains

Angela grabs Leon "why the hell didn't you break out the vaccine for this if we'd been inoculated before we entered the terminal greg would-" Angela yells before frederic interupts

"Inoculation would have been entirely possible had terra-save not backed us into an adversarial corner" frederic explains "Had we been able to follow proper procedure as outlined in the origina schedule the government medicl stockpile could have shipped anywhere in the US within 12 hours"

"oh my god then" Claire looks down "its all our fault"

"I wouldn't argue with you there" Davis smiles at Claire

Claire walks off. Erin punches Davis in the face following claire "ow son of a bitch again" Davis feels his face and spits out a tooth

Time skip
"We just ended making things worse" Claire looks down in shame

"thats not true" leon replies with erin next to him

"The villains here are the ones who used the Virus but worse than them are the ones who made it Seven years ago our lives changed forever by the virus from Umbrella corp" Leon goes in his shirt revealing Erin's necklace making her gasp "but their viral legacy continues to spread i'm gonna scrub this virus from the face of the earth" Leon explains "you chose the role of rescuer rather than fighter like me you chose a path that your brother and I couldn't follow you weren't wrong"

"terrasave was created in honor of you EV I mean your the real hero here you save lives your brave thats why it was created stop stuff like this but all we did was dishonor your name" Claire looks down

"it didn't bring dishonor to my name brings me honor and flattered"

I didn't know I made this much of an impact on people who didn't even know me

"Thank you and I'm forever grateful that you feel that way and all the help you did you're the main hero excuse me" Claire walks out smiling

Erin and Leon face each other "so that necklace"

"old friend of mine it belonged to her" Leon looks down in guilt "its my fault what happened to h"

"I'm sure it wasn't whatever happened just don't let this person down" Erin looks up at Leon. Erin leans in but gets interupted by an explosion. Leon and Erin Run out with Angela and Claire running to the fire

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