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Giggles erupt as they run through the small forest at the edge of town, 2 young siblings filled with childlike wonder. 1 boy, 1 girl.

"Come on, Luke! Keep up!" Calls the girl, slowing her pace so the younger can catch up.

"Slow down, then! Your so fast, Saylor!" Luke argues. The girl was only 3 years older then the boy, with the same golden eyes and orange hair they'd both gotten from their mother.

The girl only rolls her eyes.
"I don't need to slow down! It's not like it's dangerous or anything!" She complains, taking the 4-year-old boys hand so he can keep up.


The 16 year old boy runs down the deserted night streets, laughing as his sister runs behind. Not a car in sight.

"Luke, slow down! It's dangerous!" Saylor calls, annoyance clear in her tone

"Sayls, calm down!" He calls, "It's fine! There aren't any cars around!"

As if on cue, a delivery truck rounds the corner.

"Luke!" She screams, and Luke stops in front of the truck. Before he can process much more, he's shoved out of the way. A horn honks, and tires screech. He hears the crunch of bones, and the agonizing scream Saylor let out.

He'll never forget those sounds.

"Saylor!" He cries, feeling tears pour down his face. The truck stops, and he runs over to the woman's body.

"Saylor, Saylor, Saylor, stay with me, ok? Just hang on. I- I'm getting help." He chokes out, fumbling to take his phone out of his pocket and dial the number.

A man picks up.

"911. What's your emergency?"

"My- my sister just got run over by a car. I-"

"Alright sir, I'm going to need you to stay calm. What's your location?"

The driver of the truck stares in disbelief as Luke scans for a street sign.

"Uh- We're on Berry Street. Please, please hurry."

"Alright, sending emergency personnel and police to your location."


"I'm sorry, sir, but your sister didn't make it."

Word Count: 334

Caramel Frappe-Chino II LanderWhere stories live. Discover now