Independent Strata Management Canberra

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We have all the detailed information of all necessary things that clients should have to know. This information can help our clients to make the best decisions in the future. Besides giving important information, we also provide solutions regarding their strata needs. We strictly follow legislated Codes of Conduct for strata.

Six types of services that we provide to fulfill your independent strata management needs
1. Legal services
Here we recover outstanding levies and for that, we apply enforcement action
We can apply enforcement action to follow the rules of corporations.
In the proceeding of court and tribunal, we can brief the legal practitioners.
2. Over sighting services for maintenance and repairs
We take responsibility for the repair and maintenance of our client's property. For that, we hire professional contractors.
We undertake only that property that is authorized by its members of future work
3. Insurance services.
We do the valuations for insurance purposes and gets the insurance quotes for our clients
We prepare and lodge insurance claims and do renewal of insurance
4. Accounting services
For the consideration of the corporation's members, we prepare the annual budget
We open and manage bank accounts and prepare the sinking fund plan.
We do the collection of levies like debt collection, account payment and fulfill the income tax returns.
5. Secretarial services
In our secretarial services, we maintain the register of the corporate and minute book
We keep the common seal of corporation's in a safe place
We play an active role in daily communication
We prepare, attend, and distribute notices and minutes of general meetings of the corporation and the executive committee.
6. Governance services

We can solve any confusion regarding the corporation's rules and we drafting amendments to the rule
We know the rules that's why we help the executive committee to draft and issue notices against tenants and owners unlawful encroachment.
Know more about independent strata management Canberra
We have more than 14 years of experience in providing independent strata management Canberra services to owners and corporations. We have a team of talented professionals here who have the experience of managing your property. We are known for our commitment and providing peace of mind for residents, owners, and their corporations. Independent strata management Canberra never stops its services even in epidemics, natural disasters, and extreme weather conditions. We keep our staff updated so they can provide you with the best strata management services. Strata management services that we provide are:
We issue eligibility certificates for those who are interested in fulfilling external financing and refinancing requirements.
We provide financial planning advice, ideas for investment property acquisition
We have programs for tenant retention and planning vacancy management
We prepare year-end accounts and deliver financial reports
We provide pre-sale reports and information about promotional packs
Unit title body corporate consultation and administration
We have the strategies for building maintenance

If you are not happy with your current strata, body corporate, or community title manager, and want to find a new one. Then we will provide you all the guidance about how to terminate the services of your current strata, body corporate, or community title manager. We will provide such advice free of cost for you. Mark and Maria the founder of independent strata management Canberra service provider has founded this company to make people's lives easy. They have all the skills to fulfill promises. Our whole team of professionals is always available to provide independent strata management services to our clients.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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