|5| we might have a couple

15 2 4

Collin's POV

I woke up first and went to start making coffee, hot chocolate, and tea. it was about half an hour before Olivia and Tyler woke up. Olivia woke and met me in the kitchen. she sat and drank her hot chocolate. we talked small talk and jokes. she sat on the counter in front of me and I stood between her legs (nothing dirty). we talked and laughed about anything or whatever. but one thing she said just made me want to kiss her. I don't know what it was. maybe it was just listening to her voice and seeing her first thing in the morning. picturing if this would be what it would be like living together later in life. together. as a couple. when she finished her sentence, I thought it was just right. I kissed her. not a peck but not making out kind of kiss. I kissed her for a few seconds. then pulled away a little and looked at her lips then into her eyes. she set her coffee down and placed her hands on my cheeks. I leaned in again and we kissed for a few minutes. she pulled away and smiled

"well" I said

"well" she replied

"now what" she asked after a little moment of silence

"well" I waited "Olivia, there's something I've been wanting to ask you for a long time and"

"yesss" she asked, pushing me to talk again

"lots of hesitation has kept me from doing this. like thought of losing you or rejection or just general worry. and I just"

"yes." she said, interrupting my sentence

"huh?" I asked

"yes. I want to go out with you" she said smiling

I smiled and probably blushed so hard. I leaned back in and kissed her, my hands on her cheeks. I heard Penellopi and Tyler start coming down the steps. I pulled away quickly and she crossed up her legs and I started to get out two mugs for them

Olivia hopped off the counter as they entered the kitchen and chimed in with a perky

"good morniiing"

"good mornin" Penellopi groaned

"hello Olivia" Tyler said sweetly trying to make up for Penellopi's 'I really am not a fucking morning person' attitude

Penellopi immediately came over to the tea kettle on the stove and poured it into her mug then added sugar. no one understood after all these years how she could drink tea freshly brewed and still steaming hot and quite frankly, she didn't know either. she sat down on the counter and blunty stated

"something's up between you guys"

never even looking up. I looked over at Olivia, worry in my eyes and an 'I told you she'd know immediately' look in hers

"spill it blondie" she said to Olivia before sipping her tea and holding on to her mug with two hands

"well" Olivia started, turning away from me and back to Tyler and Penellopi "Collin just asked me to be his-"

she was interrupted by Penellopi dropping her mug on the floor and running over to Olivia and picking her up off the floor and spinning her around. they were both screaming and laughing. I had never seen Penellopi just as perky as Olivia. Tyler walked over to me, stepping over the shattered mug and splattered tea. he put out his hand and pulled me into a hug with it. he pulled away and said

"told you dude"

the morning couldn't of gone any better

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