Beach Girl

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I stepped out of the car with my towel, sunscreen, and bodyboard. Then, Mercy and I headed down to the beach, which was filled to the brim with people. "Hopefully there's room for some more," said Mercy, reading my thoughts. She shot me a grin. "Also, you're smokin'! If there ain't any room, the boys will make some for you." Her grin dulled a little. "Maybe not for me, though."
I kind of felt bad for her. But not really. She got me into this, after all.
As we scoured the sandy land for a spot, I got several whistles and flirting attempts. I turned them all down, of course, but eventually Mercy noticed. "Stahp," she said. "I know your plans, Sylver! And I'm going to stop them. Hey, look, there's a cute guy over the- aaaaand there is someone who I guess is his girlfriend! Yeesh! You're SOOOO hotter than her. And there's some muscles over on that- oh, god, look at that face! Haha, hilarious!" I groaned. "See, you basically just said it yourself. Nobody on this beach is perfect."
Mercy turned to me, a serious look on her face. "Sylver. No one is perfect. Look... just try. Please. For me." She surveyed the area before her eyes landed on a boy about 4 yards away. "Try him."
I sighed and headed towards him. He was sitting peacefully on his towel, staring into the ocean. I couldn't see his face, but his jet-black hair was stunning. He wasn't well-built, but not scrawny, either. I raised my eyebrow at Mercy. "What do I do?" I mouthed. She shrugged. "Say hi," she mouthed back.
"Hi," I blurted out and mentally facepalmed. The guy turned to me and gave me a smile. "Oh, hi."

Awkward silence.


Another awkward silence.

"Nice ocean, huh?"

I gave up. "Nice talking to you," I muttered, and walked away before bumping right into a random stranger's chest.
A very muscled random stranger, that is.
"O-oh! I'm so so sorry, I'm really clumsy sometimes," I gasped in shock and backed away a little. Muscles smiled at me and shook his head. "Hey, no problem." He had short dark brown hair and nearly black eyes- pretty damn hot. I started walking away, but I caught Mercy's eye and she was literally jumping up and down and flashing me alert signals. I rolled my eyes and stopped in my tracks. "Well, um, might as well, get to know the stranger who I bumped into, hmm?" I heard myself say. Muscles grinned. "Thought you'd never ask. My name is Grant. What's yours, Silver?"
I chuckled. "Actually, just that. My name is technically Sylvia, but I do go by Sylver. Sooo, Grant," I twirled my hair teasingly "maybe it was destiny that we met here today, hmm?" His grin widened and he winked at me. "Must have. It's not every day I find a dish as fine as you on the beach, Sylver." And with that, he left, but not before scrawling his number on a piece of paper. Mercy ran up to me, squealing. "OMIGOSH! He was sooo hot! You go, girl!" She squealed again, attracting the attention of several strangers. I shushed her, but I couldn't help the small smile that came onto my face. "Honestly, it was kind of fun." I said quietly.

"Uh, is this thing on?"

"Ahem! The beach is being closed for a few hours because of some clouds nearby that might be threatening... so bye now."

Mercy and some other beachgoers booed. "Darn it! The one day," she cursed under her breath. "Let's go." She stormed off the beach with my hand secured in her grasp. "Just my luck- no, actually, it's just yours."

It was obvious Mercy was upset about having to leave the beach. But was I, too?

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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