Into town

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Douma POV

i don't know what this place is since i grew up in a temple and never left its confusing but nakime and koku seem to know all about it. it's quite strange being the only one who doesn't know this place well enmu is always calm but is really excited and so is daki, akaza has punched my head of twice for holding onto him but i am feeling something i can't describe and don't know what to do it's really loud unlike my temple it is always silent it's a very strange feeling i have at the moment i felt a hand on my should which scared me because i am not used to being like i don't know 5.7 it was akaza he suddenly grabbed my hand and dragged me with the others we went to a restraunt 


Just so you know they can eat human food, but it doesn't feed their hunger unless its meat

back to the story

Akaza's POV

i grabbed douma's hand not looking twice at that giddy expression he probably had on the others had stopped into a restraunt and had tables with a lot of seats i mean we had to sit the old hashira the lower moons and us that was a large table of course i was beside this practical emotionless freak it doesn't really matter we all ordered food and drinks and sat and talked but somehow i noticed douma wasn't included but i ignored it

Daki POV

we were talking a bit and i noticed douma was quiet so i decided to be me and include him "he Douma San what did you get" and the conversation continued from there i can't wait for food to come


hi! my auto correct is really bad so sorry for mistakes  

akaza x douma Unseen fateWhere stories live. Discover now