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[ Satoru's Pov ]

Dammit...It's Hot...What Just Happened... ?

<< Confirmed. [Heat Resistance]...Successfully Acquired...>>

Oh, That's Right...I Was Stabbed By Someone, After I Protected My Kouhai...

My Body Feels Weak... Am I Dying?

Am I Really Gonna Die From Stabbing...? Hahaha...

<< Confirmed. [Piercing Weapon Resistance]...Successfully Acquired. Following Up With [Melee Attack Resistance]...Successfully Acquired. >>

"S-Senpai! Y-You're Bleeding! It Won't Stop Bleeding!"

Huh? Was That Tamara...? I Thought I Just Heard Some Weird Voice. If It's Tamara, Then So Be It...

Damn, My Body Started To Hurt Though...

<< Confirmed. [Pain Nullification] Successfully Acquired. >>

Am I Really Bleeding...? I Sighed Internally

Well, I Guess I Would Really Die, Because People Do Die, If They Bleed To Much.

<< Negative. Individual Posses A Life-Form Which Dosen't Requires Blood. >>

All This Pain And Panic Was Started To Screw Around With My Consciousness.

I'm Starting To Hear Things, Too..

"T-Tamura...Shut Up...It... It Nothing Big, All Right? Quit Worrying..." I Said

Shit. I Think This Might Really Be It...

Like, The Pain And The Heat Were Pretty Well Gone By Now, It Was Just Cold.

Cold As Hell, Man. I Felt As If I Was Gonna Freeze In Place. Who Knew Dying Could Kept You So Damn Busy?

<< Confirmed. [Cold Resistance]...Successfully Acquired. Combined With Previously Acquired [Heat Resistance], The Skill Has Progressed To [Temperature Resistance]. >>

Just Then, What Remained Of My Increasingly Oxygen-Deprived Brain Cells Chanced Upon A Flash Of Brilliance.

Oh, Craaaaaap, The Files On My Hard Drive!

I Summoned Up My Remaining Wells Of Strength, Striving To Relay My Final Regrets I Had Left In My Life.

"Tamuraaa! If...If Anything Thing Bad Happens To me...Take My Computer,Okay? Put It In The Bathtub, Turn It On, And Just Fry Everything On The Disk For Me, Man... "

<< Confirmed. Electric-Based Detection Of Data...Cannot Execute. More Information Required. Substituting With [Electricity Resistance]...Successfully Acquired. >>

"All I Wanted Was To Show Sawatri Off To You, Too..." He Said

Hah. I Knew It. That Bastard

"It's Fine, Okay? Make Her Happy..." I Wrung Out The Last Bit Of Strength My Body Had To Offer. "Just Kill My Pc For Me..."

My 'Son' Was Probably Crying Its Single Eye Out Right Then. Sorry I Couldn't Make You Really Grown-Up. If There's Such Thing As Reincarnation, I'm Gonna Go On Attack Next Time I Promise. I Will Hit Everyone I See, Stalking My Prey Before I Go In For The Kill... Okay, Not Like That, But...

The Destroyer's Brother - Tensura Where stories live. Discover now