Chapter 4

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Yay me!", London exclaimed receiving a D on her essay.

"Well done London! Can I see it?", I asked. Ms. Tutweiller grasped London's essay from her hands held the paper in front of my eyes.

"She tested her mascara on the paper and handed it in." I looked confused.

"Then why did you give her a D if she didn't do the assignment?"

"Oh she didn't, but she drew a flower and added sparkles....and dollars", she muttered scratching behind her ears.
"Anyway, here's your essay. I have to say I was very impressed by the arguments you gave for the solution of famines in third world countries."

"Sh!", I said receiving my A+. Ms. Tutweiller looked confused.

"I just don't....want...the others to...get jealous", I stuttered and faked a smile at the end. Ms. Tutweiller nodded approvingly and continued handing out the essays. Phew that was close. If I was going to be London's ditsy sister I had to keep my dumb image up and writing an A+ essay wasn't going to help, especially when everyone would find out.

"Yes an A+!", Bailey yelled and cheered for herself. "What did you get Cody?" She turned around in her seat and leaned on Cody's table. He didn't look very happy when he handed her his essay.

"I got an A-. How is that possible?", he whined.

"Aw don't worry Cody, I'm sure you'll do better next time." She smiled at him lovingly and seemed to have made his day a little better.

"Yeah Cody next time better", Zack said. "Woah, a D? Zachary Martin strikes again", he said smiling proudly.

"D's won't get you through the year Zack", Cody answered. Zack lifted his shoulders and leaned back in his chair nonchalantly.

"Well they work for me."

He looked over at me and grasped my test from my table. I panicked and instantly attacked him, trying to prevent him from seeing my grade.

"Zack, give it back!"

"Woah, easy tiger", he said letting go of the paper and holding his hands up in surrender. "I didn't know you wanted me so badly. You could've just told me you know."

That caught me off guard and not knowing what to do in a situation like this I started applying as much lip gloss as possible, coloring my teeth in the process. When Zack opened his mouth next I smiled, baring my pink teeth. Zack pulled a disgusted face and immediately turned away from me. I heard him mumble something like: "Forget what I said, that's nasty."

I smiled contently and focused on Mrs. Tutweiller again, trying to avoid Zack's funny noises that eventually irritated me to the unimaginable. Most found it funny, like Woody and Addison, even Bailey laughed, but the zooming noise in my ear certainly didn't put a smile on my face.

To get back at him I decided to be equally annoying, but putting the main focus on Zack. Being London's little sister and copying her behavior I was positive I could get away with anything, so I spent the rest of the class pouting and whining like a baby. Every time Mrs. Tutweiller asked me a question I would reply with. "Zack thinks you're unattractive" and fake crying, or "Zack totally understands why you don't have a boyfriend." At the end of the class, it was Zack who got detention and not me.

I beamed at Zack while he was forced to stay behind for detention. Hip swaying I walked away and headed for my room, or should I say suite.

The next day after class was done I dragged London to my suite in order to talk to her.

"Londy, you're turning twenty and you're still in high school. Being your sister I believe I should take care of you and I want you to succeed in life."

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