Chapter 5 Take 2

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That bastard. That low life stinking bastard. After everything I had done for both him and Jay, the bastard ratted us all out to the cops and now i found myself hiding out in the woods looking at major machinery being brought up to the farm for excavation.

I could see Tin being brought out the back of the police car in shackles and chains and pointing to several locations where I knew, he knew bodies were buried

It had been three days since the police had turned up at the farm while I was in town early getting suppilies. I was driving back to the farm when the police drove past me in a long convoy and turning onto the farm. I just kept on driving.  I drove to the city but the apartment that we had had also been raided and was boarded and taped up behind a police guard.

So here I am, resorting to hiding out in my car. Looking for different places to hide everyday, but still wanting to know what was going on. I knew that I had to get away from here but the image of Ming kept coming to mind. If I was going to go into hiding I wanted to take something sweet with me.

I had to get away from here for starters and get to the hospital. I wanted to see him, follow him and find out where he was going to go after he was discharged.  Just the thought of taking him with me as I hid gave me butterflies. No more sharing with my brothers all that had ended now.  Now it ws just me and me alone. I was going to get My Ming and hide somewhere where no one will find us.

Just a small update, I know bad me. But in my defence things got hetic here for a while and I couldn't write often. But I hope now that things have calmed down I will be able to write more.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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