Chapter 4

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I woke up to feel something or someone poking me. I tiredly opened my eyes, to see Cartoon cat starring at me. "Hey, toots how'd you sleep?" He asked, grinning. "U-Um, okay" I said nervously. I wanted to look out the window to see if maybe my father would be out there, looking for me. But the windows were boarded up and I couldn't see a thing. I sighed, pulling of the covers and sat up. Cartoon cat then picked me up, making me shriek and walked out the room. "We're gonna go see Cartoon dog" Cartoon cat spoke and walked up to the exit. He pushed open the crooked doors and stepped outside. I looked up at the sky to see it was night and started to get upset. "Does my dad even care that I'm gone. Or maybe he's already checked near the woods and thought I wasn't here." I thought. Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted as you heard Cartoon cat's voice. "I already told Cartoon dog about the thing I told you, so you don't have to worry, he won't kill you" he told me. I slowly nodded, then my eyes widened when he began running. I held onto Cartoon cat tightly, not noticing him smirking at me. He would run for a few minutes, until he had to stop and hide everytime a person walks by or a car. He saw that there was no person or vehicle and started to sprint again. He's been running for nearly an hour now and I was beginning to get bored. I was about to fall back asleep, when I saw something in the distance and squinted my eyes to see it was an abandoned hospital. "Is this where he lives" I questioned. He nodded and slowed down. Cartoon cat went inside the building, still holding onto you and looked around. "Cartoon dog, I'm here!" He yelled.

I heard no response and looked up at Cartoon cat to see an irritated look on his face. "W-What's wrong?" I stuttered. "I bet he's trying to scare me again, he does this everytime I come here. He gets on my nerves." He grumbled. "Ugh, your so boring sometimes Cartoon cat" I heard someone say. I turned my head to see another humanoid animal that looked like cartoon cat. I looked away, feeling scared of him and Cartoon noticed and stroked my hair. "Shut up, so all I want you to do is watch y/n. Make sure she kills someone and brings it back to my territory." Cartoon cat spoke. "I know Cartoon cat, you already told me that" Cartoon dog replied, rolling his eyes. "Well, I just wanna make sure you don't forget flea bag!" He hissed. Cartoon dog growled at him and looked away. "This is stupid, but fine." Cartoon cat glared at him and gently placed me down. He saw a sharp knife on a rusty table and picked it up. "Alright toots, Cartoon dog is gonna take you to random places where there's only a few people. Then you have to kill one of them without being seen. And after you killed that person, you and Cartoon dog are gonna come back to my territory." He said, giving you the knife. I didn't wanna do this, I don't want to kill a human being. But I had no other choice, I didn't wanna die. "O-okay" you mumbled. Cartoon dog picked you up, startling you and walked out the hospital with cartoon cat following behind.

"Why can't you do this?" Cartoon dog voiced. "Would you stop asking so many fucking questions!" Cartoon cat shouted. "Would you stop being so fucking grumpy all the time!" Cartoon dog yelled back. Cartoon dog dropped you as you crawled back in fright. The toons begin fighting eachover as they hissed and barked at eachover. Their distracted, This was now my chance to get out of here and head back to my house. I quitely ran off, without them noticing and ran over to the road to see if there were any cars. "Hey, get back here!" I heard Cartoon cat yell. I started to shake like a leaf and notice a car approaching. I smiled and before I could yell for them, Cartoon cat harshly grabbed me and pulled me towards him. "What the hell do you think your doing!" He screamed at me. "I-Im sorry!" I said in fear. Cartoon cat snarled and slapped me hard. My eyes widened and I felt tears in my eyes. "Listen here darlin, your not going anywhere. Your mine you here me!" I cried silently and nodded. He glared at me and licked my cheek where he slapped me. I winced in pain and tried to push him off. He rolled his eyes and pushed me towards Cartoon dog. "Just hurry up cartoon dog, she's getting a punishment when you both come back" Cartoon dog grabbed my arm and pulled me to where their were a few people near by. Cartoon cat ran away, probably running back to his home. "Why did you run away" cartoon dog asked. "I-I'm sorry, I just don't w-want to do this. I-I wanna g-go home" you cried. "I'm sorry pup, but you have to, it's cartoon cat's orders" he responded. "Why are you listening to him, do you hate him" "oh I don't hate him, I despise him. He's a selfish asshole. A few monsters have tried to stop him, but he's to strong. All of the monsters are afraid of him now and I'm a bit afraid of him to" I frowned, kinda feeling bad for Cartoon dog. Cartoon dog stopped and pulled me behind a wall with him. "Okay, I see two couples on a bench. I'll kill the male and you'll kill the female." I wiped my tears and nodded.

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