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Pairing: Ororo (oc) x gn!reader
Warnings: Yandere themes (possessiveness), Ororo viewing you as nothing more than an object
Word count: 698
Tagging: its-me-bible-man
The air was thick, tense. You could hardly even get the oxygen you needed in your lungs that seemed to burn. You stood patiently outside of the mahogany door that lead into his office. You couldn't hear what was being said between the two behind the closed door, and honestly you weren't sure if you even wanted too. Even if you wanted too, you wouldn't be caught dead eavesdropping. God knows what he'll do to you, especially now.

You were already in deep trouble with him and you didn't even know what you did to piss,, this unforgiving force off. You knew the rules he laid out, and you followed them to a direct point, like your life depended on it. In all honesty, they probably did. To say you didn't hear stories of him, about him by other people would be a lie. Perhaps- he found out? That you heard them?

You didn't have time to dwell on it. The door slammed open, jarring and and knocking off a picture frame off the wall. The sound of breaking glass was soon heard as it fell onto the ground, causing you to flinch. Out walked his heir, fuming and cursing under their breath. "Good luck," they muttered to you, their eyes like fire as they stormed off. To say you were terrified was an understatement.

Then,, you heard him call your name in such a sickly sweet tone that it made your stomach turn and twist. Slowly, unwillingly, you stepped into his office, your heart beating in your chest. "Shut the door behind you dear," he said, something,, boiling under that calm and collected voice of his, ready to explode. Not wasting a moment, you did as you were told.

He pointed a finger to the chair direct across from him, motioning you to sit. You only hesitantly nodded and took your seat, and if it was on better circumstances, you would be thankful for the soft plush padding it had. Nervousness was soon to blossom in your chest as the silence continued. He didn't look up from his work, didn't look up at you, didn't even say a word to you. Something - that definitely worried you.

When he did look up at you, his stare was nothing but harsh. It was like he was staring right through you, burning holes through your head. You wanted to look away, wanted to look down, wanted to look anywhere else at him but you knew if you did, take your eye off him, it would only make things worse. Something you didn't need, especially right now.

"Explain this," he said in his most calmest of voice he could possibly mutter, barely breaking the silence. "Wh,, what?" You mutter back at him, unsure,, what he was even talking about. With a growl, he stood up from his chair, and slid over a photo to you. You took the photo in your hands, and your stomach dropped. It was a photo of you, and someone else. It was your friend you've known for years, before you met the shadow in front of you. But this,, wasn't nothing to be mad over?

"This- this is a friend, Rex. We were just-" but he cut you off abruptly. "Bullshit," he simply hissed out, venom dripping off of his tone. His word, it somehow stung you, however,, it pissed you off. "What do you mean?" You only questioned with a harsh tone, eyebrows furrowed. "Even if we were dating, it shouldn't bother you." And you were right. However, that only pissed him off even more then he was, especially at you.

"Oh? It shouldn't bother me?" He said, slowly making his way towards you. "You're wrong darlin," he only hummed. "You see, you are mine and I-" "I belong to you?! Who-" Before you could even finish your sentence, the lights flashed off for a moment. When the lights came back on, in the mirror, you could see him behind you. He grabbed your chair, and turned it where you were facing towards him, him leaning close to your face,, a mouth stretching across his entire face.

"Ever since you agreed to work for me."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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