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Hey everyone!
Thank you for the comments & love on the last chapter. I wasn't going to update until later in the week but I'm about to go and work the night shift and reading your comments cheer me up. I really hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think!
Happy reading!
Nat xx

The silence felt heavy when everyone left, both Cheryl and Toni stood awkwardly with as much distance between them as possible.

'So where do we start?' Toni finally said.

'With you two talking,' Abigail said, 'if you're emotionally unstable there's no way we can bring magic back'.

'We're not emotionally unstable,' Cheryl snapped.

'Okay,' Thomasina said as she tried to calm the redhead down, she and Abigail were more alike than they knew.

'So what's the plan?' Toni asked.

'We need to bring magic back to banish Fenn from Fangs body,' Thomasina said.

'Would that potentially be more dangerous for us though?' Abigail debated.

'How so?' Thomasina asked.

'If we bring magic back Fenn's powers will return, we outnumber him so...'

'We should capture him first and then bring magic back,' Thomasina said finishing Abigail's sentence.

'Exactly,' Abigail smiled before leaning in and placing a kiss on Thomasina's lips.

Cheryl rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest, 'and how exactly do we catch him? We have no idea where he is'.

'That is simple,' Thomasina said, 'he will come for us'.

'So we head back to Thornhill?' Toni asked.

'Yes but we will need to be vigilant. As much as I hate to say it Fenn is clever, he will try and get to us any way he can although he does not know the two of you are here and that may be our advantage,' Thomasina said.

'I suggest we stay in pairs and keep the doors locked, no one goes anywhere alone at all. I will of course be with my love which means the two of you will have to pair up,' Abigail said looking between Cheryl and Toni.

Thankfully they didn't argue, they knew that Abigail was right.

'Great,' Abigail said when there was no debate against the plan.

'Okay let's go,' Thomasina said.


When the four women arrived back at Thornhill they locked the door behind them.

'We need to split up and search the house to make sure Fenn is not lurking in the shadows, grab something to defend yourself. Thomasina and I will search downstairs, you two search upstairs,' Abigail said before taking Thomasina's hand and pulling her into the lounge.

Cheryl didn't speak instead she took the stairs with the brunette following close behind her completely forgetting that Abigail told them to grab something to defend themselves.

'Cheryl, I think we need to talk about what happened,' Toni said as they reached the top of the stairs.

'There's nothing to talk about,' Cheryl said without turning to look at her ex, 'we're back in Riverdale so once we've dealt with our ancestors problem we can get back to our lives'.


'Toni please,' Cheryl dropped her head a little so Toni decided not to push.

They checked every room and every closet with only one room left to search.

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