summetime and butterflies

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Louis scoffs, eating the piece of stale bread as he sat under the tree, the amber leaves looking like fire as they swirl down and fall on Louis' lap.

"Prince Harry? He's a selfish bastard, that one. Thinks he's the best, just because he's got a pretty face," Louis muttered, taking a bite of his bread.

"He's the one givin' us wages, ain't he? What we'd be without 'im?" Niall snorted, washing the Horse's dirty mane.

"He's not doin' anything for all 'o that gold. He's got everything from his father." Zayn said, rolling his eyes as he filled up another bucket of water and carried it to Niall.

"Curly hair an' all." Louis mumbled, noticing a horse galloping towards them from the distance.

Some maids, young and sweet, stand next to the gate, from where Prince Harry will go through on his pink carriage.

"He's very charming!" One of the maid's squeal, causing all the girls to start giggling.

Liam, sitting beside Louis, took some of his bread and rolled his eyes. "Those girl's go ga-ga over 'im. Even some princesses. I hear every maiden in the land what's to take his hand," Liam said, petting the dog sitting on his lap.

Louis remembers, he clearly remembers being 16 when he came to the kingdom to learn how to tame the horses. He didn't finish school, frankly, his parents didn't let him, and send him straight to the stable in the kingdom.

He was cleaning the horses, two or three months later, when Prince Harry had walked over to him, watching him in awe as Louis washed the horses.

Harry was only 13, then. Some little 12 year old giggly princesses standing behind Harry, not understanding why Harry bought them to look at the horses.

Except, Harry wasn't even looking at the Horses, he was looking at Louis.

"What's her name?" Harry asked Louis, referring to the horse.

Louis glanced at him, and rolled his eyes. She's one of Harry's horses, how does he not know what she's called?

"Delilah." Louis replied, snickering when the horse snorted and scared Harry, causing Harry to stumble and fall forward.

Louis caught him, though, before he would fall face-first into the wet mud and ruin his pretty face.

Louis gripped his waist, so he could stand steadily.

Harry took a inhaled sharply as he saw how close his face was to Louis'.

"Don' wanna ruin your pretty lil' face, now do you, princess?" Louis grinned sarcastically.

Louis took a second to look at Harry's curly hair, his widened green eyes, dazzling from the light of the sun, and his rosy cheeks and bitten lip.

Harry blushed as Louis left his hold on Harry and walked back to Delilah.

"What's your name?" Harry asked, and Louis scoffed.

"Like you'd want to know. I think you have more important things to do, princess. Like, buy more garments, perhaps?" Louis mocked, putting on a posh accent.

"I-I guess." Harry had mumbled, walking away, back to the castle.


"Louis, Niall, Zayn and Liam, it's time for lunch." Eleanor, one of the maid's, said to them. The four boys stood up, and walked to the Castle's servant's dining hall.


"Prince Harry, are you alright?"

Harry was woken up from his little trance, and nodded at his personal servant, Ed.

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