A Christmas Story

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Benjamin couldn't help but nervously tap as he hurriedly drove the large white and red ambulance down the dark road covered in autumn leaves of red, brown, and gold.
He'd been called out to a serious car accident with three victims who were all Möbians. Wolfs to be exact. And with Ben being an expert in Möbian anatomy, of course, he was sent out. He hadn't been filled in with all the details, just that it was bad and to expect the worst.

Upon arrival, Ben's heart sank as his eyes took in the scene. There were two cars, one being a sports car that hardly looked damaged, that must have been the one with the drunk driver. The one that hit the other one that lay to the side, the one that didn't look very car shaped anymore.
Quickly stepping out of the vehicle, along with two medics from the back, he was met by a police officer, "Thank goodness your here! Quickly, over here!" She lead him towards the car, and the doctor gasped at the two on the floor, completely still, the life drained from them.
"Are they..?" Ben's heart was in his mouth.
The officer nodded. "We tried everything, it's too late. It's all thanks to that drunk maniac. He was immediately placed under arrest," she pointed towards the police car, and Ben could make out a figure in the back, shouting and cursing.
"There was one more. A kid. He's still alive, but he's hurt and really scared."
She showed him to where a young wolf, no older than the age of five, red in color, was crying his eyes out, and Ben immediately noticed the deep stain seeping out of a towel pressed against his left leg. A few officers attempted to calm him down, but nothing worked.
"Thanks, guys. I'll take it from here," he nodded to the two medics, and knelt beside the wolf pup, "Hey there." He simply said, and the pup stopped and looked him in the eye, tears showing through his glasses.
Poor kid. He's far too young to understand, he thought to himself, before trying to distract the kid from the pain.
"Hey, I like your Charmander." Ben had also spotted that the young kid had a friend, a plush from the series Pokémon, a series Ben was well aware of. He dreams of that day when he and his wife have little ones of their own to play games like that.
The pup seemed to cheer up a bit, and Ben nodded at the medics again, and gently picked the wolf up. Even for a Möbian kid of his age, he was quite small and light.

Inside the ambulance again, Ben sped towards the hospital, desperate to help this little kid. He didn't know why, but he felt a connection to this one.
Arriving at the destination, Ben hurried to the back of the vehicle and took the cub from the medics again. The poor kid was shivering, and Ben felt him nestle closer into his warm jacket.
Running inside one of the emergency rooms, he found two nurses already waiting for their patient.
The wolf himself had fallen asleep, and the three got to work.

About an hour later, they had finished. But one of the nurses worried about him still and brought Ben aside for a chat.
"Whereas he's completely fine, I don't know how he'd do in the Children's ward. He seems so quiet and shy, and there's no single room available." They informed, and Ben had an idea.

He had a clinic built onto his house, that was made for either Möbians in intensive care, or for when the general hospital doesn't have the right equipment or knowledge about certain Möbian illnesses.
"I'll take him to my clinic. It's completely empty right now, except from a few day patients." He explained, and the nurse nodded, and the two went back into the room.
"Hey there again little buddy," he greeted the wolf. "What's your name?"
"Christmas," he whispered. It was the first thing he'd said to them, his voice soft.
"Well, Christmas. You're going to come home with me to my special hospital," he explained, and Christmas nodded. He really didn't care where he was right now.

Jennifer had just finished tidying up after her late supper when to her surprise, her husband walked through the door. Even more to her surprise, he had a kid with him.
"There's no time to explain, just help me get him into a bed." Jen followed after him through the door in the kitchen and into the large spacious waiting room, where one person was still in the reception and nodded at them both. Upstairs of that, there were five rooms, all with one bed inside, alongside several medical instruments.

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