Chapter 1/Jade

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37.. 38.. 39..
Jade was counting the stars in the sky, she had probably counted the same ones over and over again, even though she hadn't counted that many.
The stars were like tiny diamonds in the navy blue sky that stretched out as far as the eye could see. Jade was always amazed by this, she had always wanted to go out and follow the sky to the end, to see the treasures that it held a secret.
The stars were the lights, leading the way to the end, though no one had ever had the guts to follow them.
But Jade would. She would follow them all the way until her legs refused to carry her anymore, she would run with eagerness that would never die out, to the end.
Jade sighed. She had always dreamed of knowing, and seeing what lay beyond her boundaries, knowing the mysteries that her palace held away from her. She couldn't remember how long she'd been there, locked up in the old stone castle surrounded by deep, eerie woods. She could only see the slightest glimpses of the village beyond, but it depended on where she was in castle, in certain areas it looked like there was nothing there, she was trapped in a land of nothingness.
But the trees, they were beautiful, in a way that was mysterious at the same time. Assortments of red, orange, brown and gold rustling in the chilly autumn air.
It made the land colorful, Jade only wished she could see it from below.

"Miss Grey!" Miss Rose's voice snapped Jade back to reality.
Miss Rose always called her 'Miss Grey' because that's her last name.
Quickly Jade stuffed her journal back under her mattress, so that Miss Rose wouldn't find it. Last time she found one of Jade's journals, she burned it with the firewood in the kitchen.
Jade stood up quickly off her bed and turned away from her window to face Miss Rose. Though she didn't make eye contact.
"Miss Rose," she said quietly. "What is the occasion that you visit me at this hour?" Jade folded her hands in front of her, she knew Miss Rose was her maid, but Miss Rose didn't act like it.
"Lady Amelia wishes to speak with you," she hissed. "Immediately," Miss Rose stood up taller and folded her arms across her chest.
"Alright, Miss Rose. I will be right down, just give me a moment. Please," Jade said.
Miss Rose grunted and turned to the door, stepping out. "Be quick about it, Miss Grey. You know how Lady Amelia hates waiting," and with that she slammed the door behind her.
Jade made a sigh of relief, Miss Rose always made her uncomfortable. She slumped back down onto the bed behind her. She closed hers eyes tight and imagined the world beyond the palace.
The village, busy with people, laughing and running and enjoying the outdoors. And the forest, painted with the beautiful colors of fire, buzzing with animals running about. Why couldn't she be out there, too?
Jade opened her eyes again and got off the bed.
She had always hoped that when Miss Rose took her to see Lady Amelia, she would be told that she would be aloud to leave the castle, alone. And didn't have to come back.
Jade sighed again and walked over to her mirror. She looked like a different person, she didn't look like herself. But she'd been like that for at least three months now.
Jade wasn't tall, but she wasn't short, either. She was about average height with long, black-brown hair that was tied back in a long braid falling over her shoulder. Her eyes were a bright, shining green color, like a polished jade. That's where she got her name from.
Her dress was long, longer in the back and followed her as she walked. It was a deep, deep blue embroidered with sparkling gems all over it. She wore a loose white ribbon around her waist with the tails ends of the bow falling down, at least to her knees.
This dress in particular she loved the most out of the rest that she had. And she had an abundant amount of dresses, greens and pinks, purples and reds, and other blues, like sky blue. But none other like this one. This one, with the deep blue like the never ending sky above, the shining gems like the stars that sparkled endlessly. This dress was beautiful, like the night skies that blanketed the earth when the sun went down.
Jade walked away from the mirror and towards the door. She turned the cold, bronze knob and stepped out into the dim hallway, closing the door quietly behind her.
"Miss Rose, where have you gone?" She called. "Miss Rose, I'm ready to see Lady Amelia now," Jade walked down the hall that was lit only with dim candles on the chandeliers on the high ceiling.
Jade was almost running down the hall, Miss Rose never did this. She was always there when Jade called.
"Miss Rose!" Jade called down the hall. "I demand you-" Jade was stopped short by an arm on her shoulder. She yelped and spun around, tripping on her dress and almost falling over. But she was caught by two sturdy hands. She let out a sigh of relief, it was Miss Rose.
"Miss Grey where on earth have you been?! What is the meaning of this? Lady Amelia is waiting, child! You do not ever make her wait, you know that!" Miss Rose sounded baffled and nervous. And Jade did know, you are never to let Lady Amelia wait too long.
"Miss Rose I'm sorry, I was just looking for you-" suddenly she was just being pulled down the hallway by Miss Rose, she had a sturdy grip on Jade's arm. She had to run to keep up with her.
"Miss Rose, if you don't mind I'd like to know what this is all about. Why does Lady Amelia want me right now?" Jade demanded.
Miss Rose made a desperate sound. "Hush up, child. They could be listening,"she stopped and whirled on Jade. Her eyes were sad and pleading. "Please, Miss Grey, tell nothing of this to Lady Amelia. Just do what she asks of you and you'll be fine. Alright?" She said, with two hands on Jade's shoulders.
Jade looked at Miss Rose, and realized how young she looked. Her black hair was tied back in a tight bun, but was falling loose. Only a few grey strands of hair here and there. Her eyes, deep set and dark were pleading.
"But-but Miss Rose I-" Miss Rose interrupted her.
"Why, Miss Grey, why are you breathing so hard?" She asked.
"Well, I've been running trying to keep up with you," Jade replied. Miss Rose patted Jade's cheek.
"Oh, I'm sorry dear. I'll..I'll slow down," she nodded and turned, and started to walk. Jade ripped her arm out of her grasp. "No! No, Miss Rose I demand you to tell me what's going on!" She said. Miss Rose's face got serious.
"Now you listen to me, Miss Grey. You do what you're told and then we'll both survive," she said. Jade went silent. Horror was written all over her face.
"S-survive?! Why, Miss Rose, you must be going crazy, Lady Amelia is just an old lady! This has nothing to do with survival!" Jade was horrified. But Miss Rose's face was grave.
"More than you think," she whispered, and sulked down the hallway with Jade's arm in her grasp.

Miss Rose lead Jade down the seemed to be never ending corridors of the palace. All of them lit dimly with the candles of the chandeliers, with hard stone floors and walls lined with doors and tapestries. The tapestries were beautiful, showing the skies at night with full moons and forests, showing sunsets over seas, but one kept appearing over and over again. It was of an angel high up in the clouds holding a beautiful, sparkling jade on a silver chain. It made Jade pause for a minute, only because it was the gem of her name. Then Miss Rose pulled her along. But the tapestry was odd, and mysterious, lovely to look at, but it meant nothing to Jade. She wondered what it did mean. Or what any of them meant.
Jade sighed. They had been walking for so long. Ever once in a while they come across a stair case that they had to go either up or down, which was normal, going to see Lady Amelia. But what wasn't normal was the route they were taking. They would always come across windows and other maids and servants but, not this time. They had not seen anything that was familiar to Jade. But when she thought about it, was any of the situation normal? Miss Rose not coming when she was called, Miss Rose talking about survival with Lady Amelia.
Jade soon became very suspicious, and then stopped. She stopped, and looked up at Miss Rose, who was staring at her. "Miss Rose, something is not right here. Tell me the truth, what is going on here? Please, Miss Rose," Jade pleaded.
"Oh, Miss Grey. I was hoping you wouldn't stop me again," Miss Rose put a hand on Jade's shoulder, and murmured something that Jade couldn't understand. Suddenly the room started spinning, and everything went dark. The last thing Jade remembered was Miss Rose smiling wickedly down at her as she collapsed.

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