#1 Idiot❤️

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When I first met them, they bothered me. I mean- a magicless... weirdo, and a talking cat? They were an annoyance. Sucking up to Crowley, getting into this school with nothing. They didn't have to try to get here, they didn't have to work hard. So, when I met them, I put them in their place. I didn't expect the fur-ball to have anger issues...

And that's where it started.

Where everything unfolded, and how I met this person, this person who now means the world to me. 

Grim too I guess.




"Ace!" I felt a poke. "Are you listening to me at all?"

"Oh, yeah for sure," I said. I wasn't really listening though, I was distracted.

"Then what did we just go over?"

"Uhm.. math?"

____  sighed. If only they knew why I wasn't listening. I was too distracted by their eyes. The way they gleamed. Even behind goggles they were gorgeous. Then I started focusing on their face, the perfect shape and size. Their lips, eyelashes, every little thing I got distracted by. Okay, I think you can tell what my situation is, unless your as dumb as Deuce and Grim. I like _____. But, I don't know how to tell them. I'm scared of rejection, and besides, they're leaving eventually. There's no point in saying anything.

"Ace?" They said, getting close to my face. Too close.

"Everything okay? You've been off in wonderland for some time now," they chuckled at their own joke.

"Yeah, everything's good," I answered.

"Good. Now, at least try to focus this time 'round." 

I smiled and actually listened this time.




"Soooo," Cater cooed. "You confessed yet?" Cater immediately knew about my crush on _____. He could read emotions so easily.

"Wait, you like ____?" Deuce exclaimed.

"Yes, we've been over this like 5 different times..." I said, rubbing my temples.


The lounge felt stuffy, with Cater on my back and Deuce's stupidity it felt hot. Well, it also was pretty hot in the lounge of Heartslybul, probably because Riddle was so cold-hearted, he took all that cold with him.

"I don't understand, why not confess to them now?" Cater said. He didn't understand the situation at all.

"There's no reason to. They'll eventually be able to go home, and my heart will be broken. I'm not going through that to satisfy your need for drama."

"Come onnnn, Ace. I'll bet you 100 thaumarks that they like you back." I can't deal with thissss. A handsome bachelor like me shouldn't be caught up on one person. I should be out there finding someone who'll stay here with me. Not leave me alone. Cater sighed when I didn't respond and walked over to the window overlooking the rose maze. His face lit up. Oh no.

"ACE! Someone confessing to ____!!" He cried, pointing out the window. Deuce sat up and looked out the window too.

"Great Seven, he's right!" He shouted, confirming Cater's statement. I rushed over to the window and low and behold, someone was confessing to them. A boy, looks to be a first year, with blonde hair and silver eyes. He was holding out a box of chocolates to ____. That should be me. Cater quickly turned to me and said, "What are you doing!" And began shoving me out the door.

"Go get 'em!" He exclaimed, his smile bright.

"We'll be watching, in case he tries anything," Deuce said.

I took their advice and ran to the rose maze, and there they were, in all their beauty.

"Ace?" They puzzled.

I stepped in front of them, pointing my pen towards the blonde boy.

"If you want ____ you'll have to get through me," I defiantly said.

"Huh? Wait no this is all a big misunderstanding," the boy stammered.

"Darn right it is! As if _____ would ever like you? I'm much more handsome and fabulous!"

I shot out a fire spell to scare him a bit.

"Next time I won't miss."

Man, I'm so freaking cool. (He was not)

"Ace! Stop!" I felt them tug on my arm.

"I helped him paint the roses," they yelled."He was just repaying me. What's wrong with you?" They looked mad.

"Y-yeah, I just saw this in Sam's store and thought it would be nice. I-I'm sorry!" He dropped the chocolates and scurried away. What a cowardly kid. I turned towards ____ and walked past them. I'm an idiot.

"Welp, crisis averted, you're welcome, I'm gonna go now."

"Hold it." They grabbed my arm before I could run, my face felt hot, please someone, anyone kill me now.

"Ace what was that? Why were you so defensive about chocolates?"

It was now or never, either I deny my feelings and look like a jerk, or admit my feelings and feel like an idiot. It's a lose-lose situation here.

I took a deep breath, and said it,

"I like you. And I have for a long time. I saw that guy and- and I got mad, alright? I don't like- no, I hate the idea of you being with someone else. I want you to be with me-" I turned and looked them in the eyes, their shining, bright eyes. "Even if it is for a little while."

Their face was a dusty pink.

"I know what you'll say and I'm sorry I just-" they interrupted me by kissing me. Kissing me. Kiss. Me. They. Kissed. Ace. Me. Kissed. My face went beet red, my heart being totally camouflaged by it.

"I like you too, idiot."

I laughed, "But I'm your #1 idiot."




The end

Thank you for reading!! <3

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