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Home sweet home.

After hours staying at the college, you're finally at the front of your apartment's door. This morning, your lecturer has tasked you and the other students with two written assignments and soon you'll have an oral presentation. It's a pair work - the oral - and you had stayed back with your partner to work on it because you couldn't discuss it with her at night since you have a night shift this week.

The assignments are luckily due next week, precisely two days from today. You and your partner's discussion didn't take a lot of time because the oral is all about fact discussion and it relies on your own research but you decided to stay back a little longer to finish one assignment so you'd only be left with another one.

You punch in the passcode to your door and immediately get in. Right now you want nothing more than to flop on your bed and rest. There's still a few hours before your shift at the bar and since it's night shift, sleeping is essential especially when you don't take any caffeine lately.

"I'm drained," you sigh.

"That's not what people used to say when they get into the house, you know?" Taehyung grins.

Beauty is subjective, you see, but Taehyung is definitely the definition of human beauty. His face proportions are perfect and a body that is sculptured by the god himself. How can he look so fine in a white T-shirt and grey sweatpants? His brown tousled hair falls right before his eyes. God his hair looks so fluffy too.

"I'm home," you grunt.

"That's more like it," he smirks before making his way back to the living room and flops on the couch. "You're awfully late today."

You wave him off with "assignments" as you, too, join him on the couch, your bag is abandoned at the end of the couch. The screen is showing the crime documentary that Taehyung had been binging on recently.

Taehyung is your roommate who's also your best friend, attends the same college as you and is a good friend of your boss, the owner of the bar you're currently working at. You're grateful to have met with Taehyung - despite all the hardships you had to face while breaking his wall and getting used to him.

It all starts with you being a broke student who wants to find a place to stay near your college with a rent within your range and Taehyung who happens to be looking for a roommate. It was not easy at all, to get accustomed to Taehyung and his whole house rules. You were so close to moving out of his house just because you couldn't stand him and his pettiness and find another place, another roommate, but you pulled yourself together and it's safe to say you're numb to his pettiness and actually get along with him. emphasis some word to put in more feeling like house rules and another roommate. you get me?

"You have work today?" Taehyung asks - though you are sure he knows the answer to it.

Still, you answer him albeit lazily. "Yeah. Night."

You are exhausted, your energy bar is red and negative. Your eyes are begging to be closed and it doesn't take a lot of persuasions for it to happen. Taehyung is talking about something but you didn't catch it as your eyelids start to get heavier as seconds pass. You barely register his voice calling you as you let the darkness consume you and you drift into the dreamland.


"Taehyung!" You whine. "Why didn't you wake me up, you twat!"

Why did you think Taehyung would be kind enough to wake you up for work? You are left with less than one hour before your shift starts and it takes at least thirty minutes for you to get ready and another thirty minutes for you to reach your workplace on foot. You would thank him for putting a blanket over you but you would smack him for not waking you up on purpose.

A LITTLE TEASING WON'T HURT | KTH [M] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now