Part 2

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"You're back again."

"It appears that that is the case, yes."

Cale looked him up and down with a decidedly unimpressed expression before sighing and opening the door to his apartment.

"Did you at least figure out how you're coming here?"

Alberu felt a bit miffed at the attitude but answered without any restraint. "It seems to be happening when I fall asleep."

"You said you were doing paperwork last time."

Alberu looked away with an embarrassed frown. "I believe that I dozed off at that time due to the late hour."

Cale sniggered. "Fuckning called it."

Alberu took note that the tiny apartment hadn't changed much since his last visit only a day prior, but the change that was there was noticeable. There were a few children's books and other childish products littered across the apartment messily. A tiny pink hairbrush, little socks, and a toy doll sticking out to Alberu in particular.

It was just so untidy in comparison to the last time he'd seen the home.

Cale explained without needing to be asked. "She didn't clean up before leaving for school."

Someone who was not Cale's child but a similar existence. The curious 'her' that Cale brought up from time to time. Alberu wondered if she was someone who had been in his dongsaeng's life or if she was someone Cale had met after coming here.

"How'd you find this place though?" Cale asked mildly as he began to pick up the miscellaneous items. Was today his day off? Or had his day not begun yet?

"I appeared outside your door."

Cale paused, a deep frown maring his features as he let out a sigh. "So it looks like you're appearing in my general vicinity. Great. A prince for a stalker, just what I needed."

Alberu bit his tongue on the three 'I told you so' esque statements that were just begging to part from his lips. Cale had been adamant last time that Alberu's arrival here had nothing to do with him or their strange connection, but here was evidence to the contrary.

It had only happened two times but it didn't take a genius to figure out that the only similarity between this location and the last one was the body of Kim Rok Soo.

"Are you going to actually talk to me honestly this time?" Alberu asked, leaning against the wall as he watched the strangely domestic sight of Cale cleaning up after a child.

"Nope." Cale said with emphasis, placing some items in a closet that was clearly carefully curated for the child.

"I'm surprised you're admitting to the dishonesty." Alberu remarked.

Cale shrugged. "What are you going to fucking do about it? I just need to wait for you to go to sleep so you can kindly fuck back off to your kingdom."

"But what if I'm back again?"

Cale gave him a dry look that was full of the mirth from an inside joke that he wouldn't share. "Believe me, I'm a patient person."

His words carried just about the same energy as 'fuck around and find out'. Which considering his reputation, skills, and current physique could be a rather intimidating atmosphere.

Alberu found that he didn't feel the slightest bit intimidated. He already knew that Cale meant him no harm from the first meeting but there was something else about the man that made him feel... soft. Like a happy puppy?

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